Ashley Winchester Jul 9, 2014 (edited Jul 9, 2014)
I was at a local Sears earlier tonight to return something for someone (which contained a rather infuriating moment where they nickle and dimed me) but I was looking at the electronics section and I came across the dedicated stereos.
Looking at these I was wondering, does anyone even use a dedicated stereo system anymore? Personally I use (and have used) my computer for my music needs for years... and if I wanted a better set up I'd honestly just shell out for a surround sound speaker system and just funnel it from my computer.
I got rid of the last stereo I had like five years ago when I took it to work when the one we had died. I didn't even try and take it back when I got laid off and moved on to another job. However, it was kind of half broken anyway.
The only people I know that might use or have a stereo are audiophiles (oh God I hope I'm not opening up a huge can of worms here) and I know Zane was into listening to his soundtracks from the actual disc... but does anyone else...?
The only place I use (burned) CDs is in my car (thank God it reads mp3s so I don't have to switch discs a lot) but other than that I squirrel the originals away.
Anyway, what is your take on the stereo?