Jay Jul 13, 2014
Kind of shameless self-promotion but I don't know if many here have kids so this post is mostly a kind of "here's what I've been up to recently" post. I have spent the last while making an app for kids (4-8) age range and it launched last Thursday. It's called Dino Dog and it's a digging game for kids where they dig up fossils, unearth bones and put them together to make awesome dinosaurs.
It's my very first app, was a long and hard experience but I'm really happy with the results. If you have kids, I think they'll like it! It's available for iPad and iPhone here - https://t.co/H89J0bAE3c and will be out on Android soon. If anyone does check it out, let me know what you think!
There's a trailer for the app here: http://t.co/iiXxU0Pnd7
Anyone else ever make an app here? If so, how did you find the experience?