Ashley Winchester Jul 26, 2014
Finally got my main playlist down to the current essentials:
(click the blue "load more list items" to expand the entire list)
A few things to note:
** In general, for most of these albums I started with the entire album.
** The mass of 8,000 to 10,000 songs these came out of was started back in 2002 when I really got into music a lot more.
** The list is a mix of European Heavy Metal and Video Game Music.
** If you haven't heard of some of the Metal Bands I won't be surprised (Goldfish, you are SO exempt from this however...)
** Some might be a little irritated (or surprised) that I got certain albums down to only a few picks but don't take this as me saying the ones I didn't include are trash... there are some good/great tracks - while good/great - that I'm just a little tired of on certain soundtracks.
** Some of my picks my be surprising... if you see a track I picked and you just have NO IDEA what I was thinking let me know, I'd be interested in TRYING to explain it.
** Songs with "NO#" at the beginning instead of an actual number are game rips.
** Let me know you see a track you're surprised to see some love for, especially if you like that track and no one else seems to.