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Ashley Winchester Jul 31, 2014

Is anyone else interested in seeing this?

I'm not really a big movie guy and I hardly go to the movies but being a big fan of Twister I might go and see this.

However, my hopes were a little dashed when I heard it was shot in a "found footage" type format.

Anyone else interested...?

God I'm a sucker for tornado movies....

avatar! Jul 31, 2014

Is this directed by Michael Bay? Just saw the trailer, and it sure looks like it's directed by Michael Bay.

Here's the "storyline" (POSSIBLE SPOILERS... assuming there's a story, which seems somewhat unlikely)

"In the span of a single day, the town of Silverton is ravaged by an unprecedented onslaught of tornadoes. The entire town is at the mercy of the erratic and deadly cyclones, even as storm trackers predict the worst is yet to come. Most people seek shelter, while others run towards the vortex, testing how far a storm chaser will go for that once-in-a-lifetime shot"

If I was still in high school, I would probably go see it. As is stands, I had more than enough with "Twister", which came out back in 1996!

Ashley Winchester Jul 31, 2014

I'm on the same page as you avatar. This really just looks like special effects porn to me...

...but as I said I'm a sucker for movies that focus on this one sole element of nature for some reason.

Not saying this movie could even have a near accurate portrayal of a tornado outbreak but Twisters have always fascinated me.

Well, I shouldn't say this is the only kind of bad weather that interests me... lightning is pretty damn fascinating as well.

Adam Corn Jul 31, 2014

Funny thing about this movie from the one or two trailers I've seen is they don't even TRY to pass it off as having a story or human element.  No divorced couple trying to rescue their child, no strangers stranded together and finding romance along the way, not even an obsessed storm chaser to serve as PoV for the destruction.  Just ridiculous FX-loaded storms tearing stuff up.

It still looks like a crap movie and I have no intention of seeing it though.

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