Capcom once again revives Resident Evil...
Looks like the following have been released on the PS4
Resident Evil 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, Revelations 2
ALL of the games were previously released on older gen systems. I guess I can't really blame Capcom for milking their product. After all it's been a while since they actually came up with a new and interesting game (that would be Dragon's Dogma, released in 2012 -now a normal company seeing the excitement about such a game would invest time and resources into a sequel which could have been huge... but Capcom of course said "oh hey, it's been two months since we released an ugraded Street Fighter, better get to work!"
Anyway, any of the RE worth playing? I've only played Resident Evil 1 on the GameCube. It was fun. Horrible controls though. Oh, and apparently there have been complaints about RE5 … ne-and-ps4
Lastly, what exactly happened to RE 2 and 3?