Ashley Winchester Aug 10, 2014
I was at work today and in the back of my mind I started to think about Metroid Prime 3: Corruption for some reason.
I liked the game enough when I played through it a year or two ago... but the more I thought about it I couldn't help but think it was the weakest game in the trilogy. The reasons why I think I feel this way can be summed up rather easily:
The Environments:
I know some consider a lot of the original Prime's environments to be rather stock (a fire area, a winter area, etc.) but I can help but think even given that they are superior to Prime 3's because I never really got "lost" in Prime compared to Prime 3. In Prime 3 so much of the environment ran together to me (the BIG culprit here is Elysia[sp?]) that I constantly had to check the in-game map. That was really damaging to the experience IMO.
Samus' Fellow Hunters:
I think most people will agree with this one. It's not that I dislike these characters... not at all, I just had a real problem how we're quickly we're introduced to them, and then we pretty much kill them and it means absolutely nothing. At the end of the game when Samus was reflecting on those lost it was such a forced moment because they were just mere obstacles and nothing else - in no way could Prime 3 pull a Metal Gear Solid and make me care about the "people" I just killed.
The Crumbling Difficulty
I had a real hard time with this game when I started out. The controls were just a pain... but I kept at it and it did become second nature. Unfortunately, after this happened the game's challenge fell like a stack of dominoes. I felt the first two bosses were actually hard but by the time I got to Omega Ridley I just absolutely crushed him... and the last leg of the game was an absolute joke when it came to challenge I don't know how you could possibly lose.
Anyway, I'm sorry if this comes off more as a rant... and I don't know why I was thinking of this when stocking shelves, but have to admit I don't think the game is a good as I originally thought and it's finally hitting me.
Still, I think the first game was the best. I'd talk about Prime 2 (and how just plain odd it is) but I'd be here all day. Still if anything Prime 2 feels very different than the original so at least it's not a carbon copy.