Ashley Winchester Aug 22, 2014 (edited Aug 22, 2014)
Okay, I know I've posted about this before (and it's been brought up in other threads) but damn I miss game manuals.
Anyway, what brings this up...?
I got the four NES Ninja Turtles games for my friend Christmas (yes, I "shelled" out for Tournament Fighters) and I went an extra mile and got custom cases for them along with the manuals for the first three since there's a pouch in the cases for the manuals. I couldn't find a manual for Tournament Fighters... but that really doesn't matter as I couldn't pay that much for a small booklet given how rare the game is itself.
Anyway, I was looking through these things and krang... er... dang... they are intentionally and unintentionally hilarious. Pop culture references that are extremely dated and story elements it seems Ultra (Konami) were pulling out of their asses.
The manual for the first game talks about the Turtles tracking down Shredder for his "Life Transformer Gun" so they can turn Splinter back into a human...? I've never beaten the game but is this even referenced in the game at the end...?
Anyway, I know they are for my friend but these things put a smile on my face. I hope he gets a hoot out of these when I give them to him during the holidays.