Ashley Winchester Sep 16, 2014
I recently cut my collection down to about 1/3 of what it was and my backlog isn't as bad as it once was. Anyway, what are some of the games you've been meaning to get around to? Here are some of mine:
Baku Baku (SAT)
I believe Baku Baku means "chomp chomp" or something like that. This is basically a Tetris clone I played on the PC for like two seconds back in 1997 and haven't played or seen since... but I just having a thing for.
Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia (NDS)
Technically played it... for like fifteen minutes. Not that I didn't like it, but I played Dawn of Sorrow and Portrait of Ruin right before it and I kind of got "Castlevaniaed Out" when I started this.
Devil May Cry HD Collection (PS3)
I've only played DMC4 and its entirety and really like it even though it's clearly an unfinished product. I played the original game up to the first boss and that was it. However, I really suck at these games.
Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (PS1)
Think Duke Nukem a la Tomb Raider. I've played the first game done in this style (Time to Kill) but that was long ago. I picked them up on the off chance they have managed to not age terribly.
Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (NGC)
Man, can't tell you how many times I've heard the words "cult classic" uttered when in regards to this game.
Final Fantasy Adventure (GB)
Played a small amount eons ago, but not enough to constitute playing it.
Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Limited Edition (PS3)
I have never played X-2 and it's never been high on my list. Really do need to replay X.
God of War (PS2)
I've seen most of the game played by another person but have never played it myself.
The Guardian Legend (NES)
Always wanted to play this one.
Legaia 2: Duel Saga (PS2)
I don't really know why I want to play this one honestly.
Mega Man Powered Up (PSP)
Okay, never really gave this one a fair shot since the original is kind of unforgiving.
Metroid: Other M (Wii)
I know people think it is bad, and it might be true, but it's the only Metroid I haven't played.
Parasite Eve II (PS1)
I've only played the original. Don't have much desire for the sequel but am interested in how it differs.
Resident Evil (PS1)
Kind of cheating here... have played the Director's Cut version.
Spyro the Dragon 1/2/3 (PS1)
Played a demo of the original long ago, never sat down and played any of the full games.
Star Ocean: First Departure (PSP)
Kind of curious about this one... the ratings I see for it are rather odd to me.
Star Ocean: The Last Hope International (PS3)
Still haven't got around to this one...
Sword of Mana (GBA)
This is the remake of FF Adventure right...? Would like to compare the games.
Tales of Symphonia (NGC)
Yes, I bought this right before they announced the re-release. Kind of wanted the original anyway.
The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds (3DS)
Obviously need to play this if I'm a big fan of A Link to the Past.
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (GB)
Don't know why I was compelled to keep this one out of all the unplayed games I got rid of.
Threads of Fate (PS1)
This one has always been a big question mark for me. I'm only familiar with the music.
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth (PSP)
Played the sequel which is a prequel... but figured try this version out to see if I like it enough to get it on the PS1.
X-Men Legends (PS2)
Not really the biggest X-Men fan but I've always wanted to try this one out.
Xenosaga Episode III: Also sprach Zarathustra (PS2)
Everyone tells me this is the best of the Xeno titles; I hope it is since the first two don't stack up with me very well.