Sure. While it is very early in this generation and despite my grand annoyance with the industry, I don't think it is unrealistic to think that someone will accomplish a highly influential game within its genre using the advances of supreme hardware to make unprecedented levels of aesthetic mayhem.
The new FF game running on PS4 hardware is massively more impressive than prior FF games with that huge monster and immense gorgeous environments. It doesn't look mechanically impressive, but compared to past FF titles it certainly looks revolutionary. Seeing that stuff as a child will certainly have a tremendous impact that will indeed call for revolutionary game mechanic changes as graphics have reached the law of diminishing returns for everyone playing modern videogames.
It is right now that everyone has thrown their hats into the open-world ring and no one has figured out how to pull off incorporating superior narrow vision of older titles to this large vision of open world gaming. Rockstar hasn't. Ubisoft hasn't. Nintendo hasn't. I will see that Nintendo will be the first to achieve it. Their controls are vastly superior to Rockstar's. Their style of games are vastly more stylish than Ubisoft's and Rockstar's. They have more resources to draw from than Konami and Capcom which have seen most their talent disappear. Nintendo won't accomplish it this gen with Zelda. The only problem Nintendo has is that Western developers have larger pools of money to then copy this perfect game formula onto rival systems. They need to acquire Mikami and Itagaki into their studios instead of letting them be forced to make the same games as always in Western/Hollywood-style creative bankrupt rival companies.
It will be interesting to see how well Metal Gear Solid V pulls off the open-world formula. (It's too bad that series puts so much effort into god awful cutscenes.) Far Cry 4 as well. Once this type of game is pulled off it will be extremely addicting and will completely dominate the attention of gamers, especially children that it will achieve the most severe outcry a videogame has ever had from parents and politicians. This game will also have a serious impact on sales of non-open world games. Game libraries of gamers will probably shrink as these open-world games will require far more investment than ever. Everything that is not an open-world game will be considered "casual gaming". Revolution will not happen this generation.
Something revolutionary is coming from Japan next generation. Not America. It will be the bloodiest console war.