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lordskylark Jun 4, 2006



SonicPanda Jun 4, 2006

Well, it's still there, if that's what you mean. If you're asking why there hasn't been an update in almost half a year, the creator left the site some time ago, entrusting it to others who have been...less than diligent in maintaining it.

Wanderer Jun 4, 2006

The emulation scene has also been sorta... well, dead. Certainly not what it used to be.

oddigy Jun 5, 2006

SonicPanda wrote:

Well, it's still there, if that's what you mean. If you're asking why there hasn't been an update in almost half a year, the creator left the site some time ago, entrusting it to others who have been...less than diligent in maintaining it.


The site's currently in stasis.  Perhaps someone on the staff will step forward and start making things happen again, but it's not going to be SwampGas.  He's busy with real life(tm) and doesn't give a crap at all about the site.

I can't recommend any alternate emulation news sites either... I get my info from a variety of sources, usually dedicated to the system I'm interested in emulation for (PSP, for example) - and for romhacking stuff, there's always

Datschge Jun 5, 2006

The site never had really been alive as far as I'm concerned. Back when they officially had someone to maintain all the music and saved states archives (that's like 7 years ago, really) the person in question just accumulated all contributions without regard to their quality. After some time he just disappeared (at which point I started my own archive). Other parts of the site seem to be alive whenever there's something new and hot, for the duration until it's cold again. Today the site could be moved to, nobody would notice the difference.

Ryu Jun 5, 2006

How is the PSP emulation scene?  If anything I hope it it is advanced around August when a couple of Capcom games come out exclusively for the wrong system.

lordskylark Jun 7, 2006

Is there a good site dedicated to DS emulation (and PSP emulation would be cool too)


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