Ashley Winchester Sep 23, 2014 (edited Sep 23, 2014)
I was at the Gamestop in the mall today and for some reason my mind turned towards Mortal Kombat. I'm not really sure WHY MK popped into my brain considering the games (even the pre-MK4 games I grew up with as a kid) have failed to retain any important significance to me over the years. Well... at least gameplay wise.
Am I the only person who could really care less about the games but actually still likes (or even loves) the characters and lore up until MK4? I'm not even going to sit here and say that it's a proverbial goldmine of fiction... but damn... I REALLY do still like the world, characters and stories despite some of the games (looking at you MK3) being pretty flaccid.
That question asked, who is your favorite character?
My all time favorite is Scorpion which, I know, isn't that imaginative since so many people like Scorpion
However, I really like Kurtis Stryker from MK3 because he is like the only character I can remember that doesn't really have "powers" per say and relies on tools like grenades and a riot baton. Yes, I know he's not really a great character gameplay wise but given the character (who was just randomly thrown into chaos at the outset of Kahn's invasion in MK3) it kind of makes sense that he wouldn't have been training for a fighting tournament like most of the fighters.
Nightwolf was pretty cool as well, but I guess he could be seen as offensive since he's kind of a stereotype.
I was a pretty big fan of Kabal as well since I could just do some great combos with him.