avatar! Oct 5, 2014
http://theweek.com/speedreads/index/269 … ially-dead
https://tv.yahoo.com/blogs/tv-news/satu … 52477.html
Thanks, for the memories...
http://theweek.com/speedreads/index/269 … ially-dead
https://tv.yahoo.com/blogs/tv-news/satu … 52477.html
Thanks, for the memories...
Its awful that they are gone, but honestly I kinda pronounced them dead as soon as ABC's One Saturday Morning came on. I always loved the more actiony-comic type cartoons back then such as Double Dragon, Savage Dragon, Street Sharks, Biker Mice from Mars, Cowboys of Moo Mesa, and whatever else violent junk that was on back then. I think a lot of it showed up on USA. Hell I even watched Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders.
When One Saturday Morning came on it marked the end of the violent age for me and the beginning of Recess, Pepper Ann, and the weird new Doug.
Ick. Oh well. I still miss Saturday morning cartoons. Be up at 6AM in the morn all the way up to wrestling afterwards.
Hell I even watched Princess Gwenevere and the Jewel Riders.
Ha! you know, that was basically a re-hash of She-Ra. Not as good as the original though.
You do make a good point about animated violence. Of course there's no correlation between a violent individual and watching violent cartoons (for the record, barring crazy Japanese anime, nothing I've watched is as violent as Tom and Jerry which is from the 40s)! I miss Dungeons and Dragons and such cartoons
One of the main purposes of my existence back in the early 1980s (about 1983-1985) was to be at the TV set in the basement before anyone else on Saturday mornings. Even catching glimpses of commercials of cartoons was awesome. The hard part was waiting for horrible things like the 700 Club and wrestling to end.
I don't know... not saying I feel sad over such an institution coming to an end but with things like Cartoon Network and Boomerang it's not like there isn't other options for the youngsters.
Plus, if they get up soon enough they can catch the tail end of adult swim.