You know what really needs to be designed? A flat screen TV that isn't so prone to falling over if you bump a side of it by accident. Rather than have it be supported by a "neck," I'd have the screen unit sit right on the surface it's sat on, with supports on both sides of the screen that keep it from either falling forward, or backward.
I think with most flat screen TVs, they are intended to be hung/mounted on the wall. I'd like to do with my flat screen what V did with hers in Ultraviolet: Build a mounting for it to be hung in the ceiling, and then I could lay on my bed, and look upwards at it.
My question is, why does the government need to surveil its citizens so closely, if we're not already being accused of something before we've even done anything?
Fact is, most people are perfectly law-abiding, peace-minded people, who just want to work, get paid, go to the coffee shop, go to the gym, go to class, do their laundry, etc., and just get through the day.
A bunch of information is being compiled about everyone, if only so the government has an easier time of trying to brand you a criminal if they take issue with you, and know where to find you when they want to arrest you.
I actually had a neighbor who THREW OUT their smart TV after they found out the government can use it to spy on you, and they couldn't return it anymore. I, of course, only heard about this after the unit had been firmly trash compacted in the garbage truck. The thing could've at least been resold if he really wanted to get rid of it, but I guess that hadn't occurred to him - he was just that scared of the thing and panicked.