Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

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XLord007 Oct 23, 2014

I don't know about you guys, but I *LOVED* the original Escape Goat on 360. It's probably my favorite "complete the room" action/puzzle game ever. The sequel came out for PC some months ago, but I've been patiently waiting for the PS4 version because I prefer couch gaming. It finally came out yesterday, and I put about two hours into it. So far, it's just as good as the original, and I adore it. Can't wait to play more.

Brandon Oct 23, 2014

Yeah, I really liked the first one, but haven't gotten around to the second. The music was pretty good, and I really liked the overall atmosphere. It kind of reminded me of Xanadu for some reason.

If you have a laptop you can just hook it up your TV and play PC games that way.

XLord007 Nov 24, 2014

I finished this. It's much longer than the first one (took me almost 15 hours to get 100%), especially if you want to get all of the secret rooms, which are hidden a little too well (YouTube helped me a lot here). All the regular stages have what I'd consider to be a normal difficulty, but merely uncovering the hidden stages is enormously challenging, and a few of them are super difficult themselves. The game is at its best when it gives you those "A HA!" moments when you finally figure out a puzzle. Highly recommended.

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