Adam Corn Oct 25, 2014 (edited Oct 30, 2014)
OK maybe that's overstating things, but I really do need you guys' help. I've been hard at work on the redesign and have almost got it ready to go but there's one major problem. Seeing as how this site goes back to the days when whole desktop displays were around 800 pixel width, I've got a lot of older album pics here that aren't big enough for a new design on modern high-res displays.
That being the case, if you guys could upload pics of some of the albums in your digital collections, or even round up a few for me online, it would really be a huge help. 800 x 800 or higher is ideal but even 400 x 400 will do. I've made a list of the albums that need pics; once someone contributes that album will automatically be removed from the list. Big, big thanks for any contributions!
Edit: Link removed - finished!