Ashley Winchester Oct 27, 2014
Has anyone seen the trailer for this thing?
HOLY HELL. Okay, I'm sorry... I'm not trying to be a prude here... but I think this is the first time a video game has made me wince.
There was something about watching the player's character unemotionally stick a gun in a struggling women's mouth and fire it (with blood spewing out afterwards) that... I don't know... made me feel really unsettled.
That doesn't mean I don't think it shouldn't exist... and I know it's not real and there are more horrible things in real life, but yeah, I'd go as far as to say I wouldn't buy this on principal.
I know there are always games that are going to push the envelope... and there are always going to be things that try to hook on shock factor... I just, man... my mind was really blown (in a bad way) by that one scene.
Anyway, what did anyone else think of the trailer?