Ryu Jun 5, 2006
"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."
Well isn't that interesting? I guess Jack "McCarthy" Thompson may have a point---never in the course of human events has a man shot another in the face unless the shooter was a hit man or a video gamer. My apologies, not only for the inherent sexism of the previous sentence, but to those here who are fans or at least apologists of McCarthy; I'm certain that in his favor there were communist elements in the US, but that the opportunist got carried away with his crusade and communism only became a red herring as he became corrupted by power. Thompson apologists could do the same---there are elements of video gaming that are bad, and I'm not just talking about THQ games. Even so, just as there was "Good Night, and Good Luck," I wonder what future movie will depict the brave IGN article writers (I refuse to call them reporters). "A Winner is You," perhaps?