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Ryu Jun 5, 2006

"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."

Well isn't that interesting?  I guess Jack "McCarthy" Thompson may have a point---never in the course of human events has a man shot another in the face unless the shooter was a hit man or a video gamer.  My apologies, not only for the inherent sexism of the previous sentence, but to those here who are fans or at least apologists of McCarthy; I'm certain that in his favor there were communist elements in the US, but that the opportunist got carried away with his crusade and communism only became a red herring as he became corrupted by power.  Thompson apologists could do the same---there are elements of video gaming that are bad, and I'm not just talking about THQ games.  Even so, just as there was "Good Night, and Good Luck," I wonder what future movie will depict the brave IGN article writers (I refuse to call them reporters).  "A Winner is You," perhaps?

- Source:

Dais Jun 5, 2006

Now that Jack Thompson doesn't post on the internet anymore, the only people who should be upset about what he says are the obsessed at GamePolitics.

SonicPanda Jun 6, 2006

Ryu wrote:

"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."

Well isn't that interesting?  I guess Jack "McCarthy" Thompson may have a point---never in the course of human events has a man shot another in the face unless the shooter was a hit man or a video gamer.

Or a paintballer. Or a squirtgunner. Or a rubberbander. Or, if you wanna go down a certain road (I don't), an enlistee.

Or back in the day before video games, my sixth-grade teacher liked to tell this story where he got one of the neighbookhood kids in the eye with a blunt arrow during a game of Cowboys and Indians. Guess I should report the filthy hitman to the Feds, huh?

Here's a good corollary to the above statement: "Nobody talks out their ass unless they want votes or attention."

Jay Jun 6, 2006

Jack Thompson is a self-hating gamer. Yeah, he says all this stuff but I just know he's a Tetris addict or something. Then he hates himself himself for playing and slices himself with razor blades.

Jack Thompson naked, except for his stained y-fronts, blood streaming from his chest and a dirty razor blade lying on the bathroom beside his old first generation gameboy.

In the mirror we can see that across his chest it reads - GAMER.

oddigy Jun 6, 2006

Jay wrote:


Times like this... make me wish I could draw.

Shoebonics Jun 7, 2006

Jay wrote:

In the mirror we can see that across his chest it reads - GAMER.


BAMAToNE Apr 20, 2007

Here's some more b.s. from Thompson.

I ripped this video from MSNBC to show you all how terribly wrong Jack Thompson is about his Virginia Tech shooter assumptions. He was blaming games before a shooter was even identified, he moved on to blame Bill Gates for games he isn't even responsible for, and finally we have both textual and video proof that he needs to never comment on video game violence ever again. The video above (yes, I know the sound is off) has an MSNBC Hardball broadcaster, Chris Matthews, refusing to believe Jack Thompson's "theories" until more evidence has been found, and below is that exact evidence that disproves Jack's assumptions. Sorry, Jack, I was rooting for you, this one was all wrapped up and in the bag - he's an adolescent Asian attending college - of course he's going to be an avid gamer. WRONG!

Zane Apr 20, 2007

SonicPanda wrote:
Ryu wrote:

"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."

Or a paintballer. Or a squirtgunner. Or a rubberbander.

Don't forget bukkake!

brandonk Apr 20, 2007

Look...the kid was an 'a-hole'...plane and simple...a mistake on the human race, let's move on...

Jack Thompson, is all about personal gain, is anyone taking him seriously?

American Nightmare Apr 20, 2007 (edited Apr 21, 2007)

Zane wrote:
SonicPanda wrote:
Ryu wrote:

"Nobody shoots anybody in the face unless you're a hit man or a video gamer."

Or a paintballer. Or a squirtgunner. Or a rubberbander.

Don't forget bukkake!


Ryu Apr 21, 2007

brandonk wrote:

Jack Thompson, is all about personal gain, is anyone taking him seriously?

I hope not anymore.

Bernhardt Apr 22, 2007 (edited Apr 22, 2007)

Ryu wrote:

Here's a good corollary to the above statement: "Nobody talks out their ass unless they want votes or attention."

...or they're drunk.

[joking] I bet you Jack Thompson or someone close to him was vicitimized by a gamer...and that's why he's so traumatized by them.

If he's enough of a crazy hypocrite, he's going to grab a gun and start the purge us video-gamers!

In Soviet Russia, gunners get shot! [/joking]

Or he really is just an attention-whoring, vote-grabbing drunken whore.

csK Apr 24, 2007

Well, at least he thinks they're art!

Amazingu Apr 25, 2007

Well, at least he thinks they're art!

Yeah, I noticed that too.
Kinda ironic that one of the biggest opponents of Video Games is one of the few non-gaming entities that acknowledges games as art.

Bernhardt Apr 25, 2007

Why hasn't this guy been parodied on South Park yet?

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