The most significant event of 2014 for me was reading the Patternist series by Octavia Butler. In second place was the Orthogonal series by Greg Egan. My greatest author discovery was Robert Bloch. He's been dead for 21 years, but there's so much great fiction out there that even some of the best can escape my attention for decades. After I had read some Bloch stories, I found out he also wrote Psycho. I never would've suspected that, since I stumbled upon his humorous works.
I decided that I don't care for emulation via a PC and I luckily saved one of my tube sets, so now I just need to acquire a NES and a flashcart. I almost bought a PS4 and several survivor horror games, but I don't have the spare time to fully appreciate what the game designers have made. I'd have a few moments here and there but no solid temporal blocks that I could dedicate, like in the days when I occupied a basement and worked part time. I'd love to get back in gaming (current games), but I'd need a way to manufacture time or print my own money.
In old game music, I'm particularly happy about having acquired all the Konami Battle albums as originals, as well as almost every Konami album I approve of. The only 2 Konami albums that were difficult to acquire were Contra Spirits and MIDI Power Pro6; the rest were cheap and easy - even Axelay. I am the happiest of all, though, for having finally obtained Chachamaru Game Music. It's not a great album, but it provided me with years of frustration (which I disturbingly enjoy).