Adam Corn Jan 22, 2015 (edited Jan 26, 2015)
Admin note: I moved these posts from the "New Fire Emblem Game" thread because, well, they're not about Fire Emblem.
Perhaps "a Nintendo game I can look forward to" would have been the way to put it then. It's pretty obvious to anyone who's kept up with the gaming scene that release-wise Nintendo are on a bit of a roll lately, and even if you personally don't like any of their stuff except Fire Emblem, they've been doing a pretty decent job of making other gamers happy these past several months.
I also think we can do without the repeated Nintendo bashing (same for Square, Capcom, Disney, etc), especially when you're starting a thread for a major title that you know people are going to be interested in with little more than a dig at the company. Sure if a company is at fault for something it bears mention, but it gets old hearing the same negative comments over and over again and really doesn't contribute to the atmosphere of the forums.
To be fair this applies to one or two other members here as well. It's been bugging me (and I think several others) for a while and I think the beginning of the new year is as good a time as any to bring it out into the open.