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Adam Corn Jan 22, 2015 (edited Jan 26, 2015)

Admin note: I moved these posts from the "New Fire Emblem Game" thread because, well, they're not about Fire Emblem.

Perhaps "a Nintendo game I can look forward to" would have been the way to put it then. It's pretty obvious to anyone who's kept up with the gaming scene that release-wise Nintendo are on a bit of a roll lately, and even if you personally don't like any of their stuff except Fire Emblem, they've been doing a pretty decent job of making other gamers happy these past several months.

I also think we can do without the repeated Nintendo bashing (same for Square, Capcom, Disney, etc), especially when you're starting a thread for a major title that you know people are going to be interested in with little more than a dig at the company. Sure if a company is at fault for something it bears mention, but it gets old hearing the same negative comments over and over again and really doesn't contribute to the atmosphere of the forums.

To be fair this applies to one or two other members here as well. It's been bugging me (and I think several others) for a while and I think the beginning of the new year is as good a time as any to bring it out into the open.

Amazingu Jan 22, 2015

Thank you, Adam. I fully agree.

I'll make sure to avoid making comments like that as well.

Ashley Winchester Jan 23, 2015 (edited Jan 23, 2015)

Adam Corn wrote:

I also think we can do without the repeated Nintendo bashing (same for Square, Capcom, Disney, etc), especially when you're starting a thread for a major title that you know people are going to be interested in with little more than a dig at the company. Sure if a company is at fault for something it bears mention, but it gets old hearing the same negative comments over and over again and really doesn't contribute to the atmosphere of the forums.

Blah, blah, blah...

Yeah, cause we all know if you don't like something you're gonna erase the damn comment anyways.

I personally find that WAY more annoying.

Adam Corn Jan 23, 2015 (edited Jan 23, 2015)

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Yeah, cause we all know if you don't like something you're gonna erase the damn comment anyways.

That post of yours from the SFV thread amounted to "I can't get excited about this but I'm not gonna say why." And I'm only barely paraphrasing.

Of the few posts I delete, 99% of them are:
- Spam
- Bigotry
- Personal bickering
- Duplicates

I think the last time I deleted something that wasn't any of the above was a slightly off-topic post by XLord in, coincidentally, a Street Fighter thread several years ago, and I've regretted it ever since. (Sorry about that, XLord smile )

If anybody can think of an exception I encourage them to chime in.

Amazingu Jan 23, 2015

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Yeah, cause we all know if you don't like something you're gonna erase the damn comment anyways.

I personally find that WAY more annoying.

There's a difference between "not liking something" and "being vitriolic."
I don't think I've ever seen Adam silence criticism, but non-constructive comments that boil down to biased/baseless/jaded bashing of companies are not an exception here (nor any other internet forum, for that matter) and I will not blame any mod for deleting them.

Anyway: YES! NEW FIRE EMBLEM! Loved Awakening, will definitely get this on day one as well.

avatar! Jan 23, 2015

I suspect Ashley was being a bit cynical with his comment (which I found funny)! To be fair, you very rarely delete anything but that said you have deleted comments in the past, and of course some people are against any form of what could be construed as censorship (spam, not counting). At any rate, I did not mean to cause any brouhaha with  my original comment! Really, it was just worded poorly and I was just trying to convey my happiness at Nintendo releasing a game I'm REALLY looking forward to!

Adam Corn Jan 23, 2015 (edited Jan 23, 2015)

I appreciate you being a good sport about it, avatar, but if someone is going to throw around claims of "annoying" moderation or censorship I would like to see it addressed.

This thread is a perfect place to start. If somebody stumbles upon it from Google (not likely with this thread but entirely possible with others), expecting to read about the new Fire Emblem and instead finding a thinly veiled dig at Nintendo and a bunch of unrelated personal back-and-forth, how likely do you think they are to ever follow a link to Soundtrack Central again? Likewise, if a member who hasn't visited in a while comes back in hopes of finding some gaming (maybe even game music) discussion, how well are they going to consider their time coming back here spent?

That's exactly why in these rare cases I would clear out the personal, off-topic stuff, usually making it perfectly clear that I've done so. People's online reputations here aren't so important to the world that I'm doing some injustice by removing ire-inducing off-topic posts or the responses to them, and if I've hurt somebody's pride by deleting such a post but made the forum experience better for everyone else I think it's a fair trade.

But again, if anybody besides Ashley thinks I've been unfair in my administration of the forums these past few years I really would like to know.

(And I suggest saving the Fire Emblem discussion for another thread since if I'm not allowed to delete posts from it I'm at least going to rename it.)

GoldfishX Jan 23, 2015

I would just advise to be aware of the Streisand Effect, where changing or deleting what was originally there tends to draw more attention than the original would have. Everytime someone sees "edited by Adam Corn" on someone else's post, they can't help but wonder what was originally there. Not unfair or even a complaint, just something to be aware of. I'm certainly not going to tell you how best to run your site.

I tend to think these forums are so small, they tend to self-police themselves generally well. Bernhardt's idiocy got called out many times and I think everyone agreed getting rid of him was the best thing (especially after 5-6 different personas over the span of a few years). Most of the best larger forums I use do this (Escapist, SRK, reddit boards), but ones like Giant Bomb or NeoGAF I feel rule too much with an iron fist (more GAF than GB though) and I feel like the discussions there are dishonest.

My honest input on the matter.

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