Ashley Winchester Feb 17, 2015
Kind of going off the "good soundtracks to bad games" thread I was wondering what are some games that the masses tend to deem as junk but you think the world of?
I kind of got the itch to ask this one as I recently got my PS2 out and started to play SaGa Frontier again after buying a new used PS2 due to some hardware failure. I would have just played it on the PS3 but all my files are on memory cards and the PS3 memory card adapter (which I do want to get... eventually) is a whopping $50 to $100. Ouch! But kind of pointless to play on PS3 since I don't have an HD TV.
Anyway, I don't really know why I like SaGa Frontier as much as I do. I've probably but more time into it over the years than any other game (the only exception may be Diablo II which is more understandable) and that's saying something. Still, I'll never forget EGM giving this game a 10% out of 100 or GamePro actually giving it fairly good ratings... for some reason??? Additionally, I'll never forget how horrible Brady's strategy guide for this one is, with error after error and having NO gameplay mechanics section but somehow becoming as important to have for me as the damn game. I also love how close knit the SaGa Frontier fanbase is on gaming sites, even on GameFAQs.
Last but not least I kind of have to thank Final Fantasy VII here as well because without it's success we probably wouldn't have gotten this game here in the states.
Also, many people tend to like Frontier 2 more than the first one (which really isn't the "first one") but in all honesty I thought it was A LOT more annoying than this one. But like most SaGa games, this game is kind of a mess... but I like the mess because... it is interesting...? I guess that's how I'd put it.