Datschge wrote:GoldfishX wrote:And you know how divided opinions are with something like the Wii. At least, you know exactly where I stand on it and the idea of wiggling a controller at the screen....
To the GAMER audience, I think it will find its appeal.
This sequence of sentences made me laugh out loud. Gamers will find the appeal of wiggling their head with a screen fixed in front of it while locking themselves out from their surroundings. I guess they just can't see themselves looking stupid that way. 
By all indications plenty of Wii (and Kinect) tech is coming back thanks to VR (and the necessity to make up for the lack of awareness for the real environment from in there). I find the difference in public reception hilariously hypocritical to be honest.
That's okay, your intellectual dishonesty in this discussion has me both laughing and shaking my head. Seriously, you're saying VR's problem is "grandma" can't pick it up and use it, when she is clearly not the target audience for the device.
You seem fixated on pointing out people looking stupid with these things on their head. This is a given. So are you really that concerned what people look like when you are playing by yourself in your room? That does seem to be the main application. I can also see something to the effect of a passthru view added, if one needs to remain aware of their surroundings. But honestly, watch a Twitch stream where you have a self view of the player. They're not doing anything interesting the entire time except staring at their screen.
Wii, Move and Kinect are ways of controlling a game, VR is a different way of viewing and experiencing a game. And I think Wii and motion controls have had ample time to show they aren't an optimal solution for controlling anything. From being inaccurate to not have enough buttons to not having enough good software to showcase what it can offer.
But hey, as you say, Grandma can join the fun and play her 15 minutes of Wii sports by wiggling the controller at a TV screen before she doesn't get it and decides playing Bingo is more exciting (and this is not a knock on Bingo). And even kids can too! Before they get bored at the party and start doing something more exciting, like Pin the Tail on the Donkey.