Ashley Winchester Mar 4, 2015
I know I'm probably opening up a can of worms here but every time I go into the Xeno-based topic on GameFAQs I always regret it.
Now, I know the following is my opinion and I know that other people are entailed to their opinion... but man... the minute I see someone claim that Xenogears is "the greatest role-playing game on the PS1" I just have to laugh
But before I get to my questions, I should probably lay out how I feel about the game myself.
When taken as a whole, I can see why Xenogears is an important game. I mean the scale of what it attempted to accomplish is impressive and should be commended... but I can't say 100% that it really accomplished everything it set out to do or did it well.
I feel that anyone interested in the game (or those interested in what Square was up to at this point in time) should experience the game... but mainly to see why it works and doesn't work. For those interested in game design it's a must play in my opinion because of this.
Back when this game came out GamePro gave it a 1.5 out of 5.0 in funfactor and well, I couldn't have agreed more. Yes, Xenogears is interesting... but fun? It was far from it in my opinion. If I remember I think the game clocks in at around 50-60hrs and there... was supposed to... be more... of it...? Holy hell!
These days I the only thing I have left is the soundtrack and... I feel that's all I need.
However, I guess the question I want to ask is... Xenogears was technically a failure, right? At least from Square's prospective...?
I don't really want to know this so I can throw it in people's faces... but when people start throwing around the word "masterpiece" I'm always thinking throw the word 'flawed' in front of that and I'll agree.
Anyway, again, I don't want to say my opinion has more weight than another person's... but man... I'd just love some more objectivity from the gaming community on this one.
But I'm probably barking up the wrong tree right?