Jodo Kast Mar 27, 2015
Chappie is the most satisfying movie I've seen, due to its alignment with my beliefs. I felt the impact of hope while watching this, which is rare. Things that I hope for are shown in this movie.
I strongly disagree with death and I feel it is something that needs to be corrected. Nature is inefficient and goes to extremes to do simple things. A perfect example is that it takes something the size of the Earth to make one G. With graser technology we will be able to make millions of Gs using far less mass. Of course, we don't have grasers yet, but it is fun to consider the implications. Nature takes billions of years of evolution, allowing the deaths, the exterminations, of trillions to make one species that cogitates. This one species, in the course of something around 100,000 years, is on the path to producing yet another type of cogitation, known as A.I. Additionally, we'll do it without exterminating quadrillions of tons worth of living organisms.
Chappie shows a way out. When compared to written science fiction, the way out is crude and primitive. More advanced methods were being written about in the 1940s, but cinema is way, way behind written science fiction. Even a really clean and slick looking movie like Chappie is not very advanced, compared to the stuff I read. Cinema is powerfully holding back, refraining, from showing the cool stuff - and I have no idea why. Anyway, I don't have a religion telling me that when I die I will go someplace better. I have no such thing, so I have to rely upon technology.
Ranking is as follows:
Chappie >> District 9 >>>>>>>>>>> Elysium
Chappie is very much superior to District 9 and District 9 is so vastly superior to Elysium that it strains me to consider the degree of superiority.