avatar! May 5, 2015 (edited May 5, 2015)
The Witcher 3 is almost amongst us! I think at this point, it is the only "next-gen" game I absolutely want to play. That said, I'm hoping there will be other such games released relatively soon. THAT said, what so-called next-gen games have people been playing or are interested in acquiring? I'm not talking about small indy games that you can purchase for a couple of dollars, but full beefy games. Now, there are some games I really want to play such as Dragon's Age 3, but that was released across the board (PS3 and 360 included) so I couldn't really call pure next-gen. At this point, I really don't see any compelling reason to get a PS4/One. Honestly, I'm much more interested in the New 3DS than anything else right now. Maybe it's just me and my taste in games, but does anyone else concur?
note: I'm not sure I'm really using the term "next-gen" correctly, but whatever. You know what I'm saying