XLord007 Jun 7, 2006
To summarize:
-Wii price and date to be revealed by Sept.
-Pokemon Battle Revolution (Wii) in Japan before the end of 2006 (essentially Pokemon Stadium for Diamond/Pearl)
-Pokemon Diamond/Pearl (DS) will have WiFi play plus voice chat for people on your friends list
-DS can be used as a wireless touch screen controller for Wii and Pokemon Battle Revolution will utilize this feature
-WiiConnect service will offer downloadable demos of DS games
-Brand new Virtual Console games will sell for between ¥500 and ¥1000; still no pricing announced for retro VC games
-4 million Wii systems to be shipped worldwide by end of 2006 with 6 million to be shipped by the end of March 2006 (same projection as Sony for the PS3 -- neither are realistic)
-New SMB is the fastest selling DS game in Japan so far (over 1.25 million shipped in two weeks)
-DS system itself is selling faster than either GBA or PS2 did following their Japanese introductions
-Dragon Quest Monsters DS is rumored to have WiFi play as well
-NCSX is selling U.S. DS Lites ahead of street date for a pricey $145