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avatar! Jul 13, 2015 … -conquest/

Interesting. This reminds me of A Game of Thrones (the books) where there are different perspectives to the storyline. Of course, the cynic in me is a bit worried that if this catches on then to play a game completely you'll need to purchase the game twice?? Hmmm, good marketing. Not so good for players. Then again, if you do get two or three complete Fire Emblem games I should not complain!

Ashley Winchester Jul 13, 2015

Doesn't one these games have the gay romance option? I'm not interested in this myself but I guess a big fuss was made over Awakening not having this... even though that game kind of needs heterosexual relationships because of the whole idea behind passing on traits and such. I don't think I need to bring up Tomodachi Life thing... but I guess people were angry the option was limited to one version.

Additionally, when i was on the cesspool that is GameFAQs someone was saying that the Japanese player base wasn't too happy with something regarding the story...? I'm not too sure... didn't read too much into it.

avatar! Jul 13, 2015

Ashley Winchester wrote:

Doesn't one these games have the gay romance option?

From what I heard, they both do. However, apparently one game is for the male and one for the female. Then I read that the downloadable game will include both. Weird, but whatever. I do hope you can marry and have offspring in this game. Multiple endings would be nice. Still, they did a great job with Awakening I have high hopes for the next game. Or games...

Ashley Winchester Jul 13, 2015

avatar! wrote:
Ashley Winchester wrote:

Doesn't one these games have the gay romance option?

From what I heard, they both do. However, apparently one game is for the male and one for the female. Then I read that the downloadable game will include both.

Oh, okay, this makes sense now. I knew there were three variations... just didn't know the third was the first two combined.

Amazingu Jul 13, 2015

I've been playing the JP version since it was released, and just finished the Hoshido storyline, and working my way through the Nohr storyline as we speak.

Tip: if you're only going to get one version, get Birthright/Hoshido. I would say it's the story the makers wanted you to experience, whereas the Conquest/Nohr one is more like a "what if" story, not to mention that Conquest has less content. In Birthright, you can do as many random skirmishes on the world map as you want, in Conquest, there are ONLY story and side quests, and no random skirmishes whatsoever.
In Conquest, they obviously wanted you to plow through the story without power-leveling your way through, so it feels more like a traditional FE game, i.e. stripped of the features of more modern iterations. It's weird that they ask the same price for it when it obviously has less content.

So yeah, get Birthright, and if you like it enough, get conquest as DLC. You'll get more of your money's worth from Birthright, and playing the games in that order will give the story more emotional impact as well, I felt.

avatar! wrote:

From what I heard, they both do. However, apparently one game is for the male and one for the female. Then I read that the downloadable game will include both. Weird, but whatever. I do hope you can marry and have offspring in this game. Multiple endings would be nice. Still, they did a great job with Awakening I have high hopes for the next game. Or games...

You can marry and have offspring, yes. Each kind of offspring also comes with its own unique side-quest, which is nice.
I've also heard about the gay character thing, but I have no idea who you can match up with whom, so I haven't witnessed it in-game yet, unfortunately.

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