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avatar! Aug 11, 2015 … 07482.html

Well, there are games where you get to create monsters, but I'm pretty sure that's not what Trump was going for!

Of course to be fair, Hillary Clinton said:
"If you put it just really simply, these violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"

Still, sounds like some politicians are going to try to garner some votes with pro-gaming stances … geek-cred/

Bottom line, all these politicians suck.

Amazingu Aug 11, 2015

I seem to recall Obama making some anti-gaming statements as well, until he realized that he can actually score easy points by occasionally mentioning that he has a Wii at home or something.

Because, yes, politicians suck, in a nutshell.

I have to laugh at the sheer cartoon-like villainous creatures that the GOP keeps spawning though.

Razakin Aug 11, 2015

avatar! wrote:

Of course to be fair, Hillary Clinton said:
"If you put it just really simply, these violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"

And that's related to shops selling Mature or AO games to kids, which should be against law (unless it is already on US?). And honestly, I do believe that it should be so. I wouldn't let my hypothetical kids play Mature or AO-games at all, perhaps when they start hitting midteens, they could play them. Depending on the violence of course, and subject of the game.

And guess there's some elections coming up if people are digging 3 year old "HEY LOOK AT ME"-tweets from racist assholes.

avatar! Aug 11, 2015

Razakin wrote:
avatar! wrote:

Of course to be fair, Hillary Clinton said:
"If you put it just really simply, these violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"

And that's related to shops selling Mature or AO games to kids, which should be against law (unless it is already on US?). And honestly, I do believe that it should be so. I wouldn't let my hypothetical kids play Mature or AO-games at all, perhaps when they start hitting midteens, they could play them. Depending on the violence of course, and subject of the game.

And guess there's some elections coming up if people are digging 3 year old "HEY LOOK AT ME"-tweets from racist assholes.

Actually, I believe she was referring to "violent" video games such as Doom, not Mature/AO games. … oing-down/

Ashley Winchester Aug 11, 2015

Razakin wrote:
avatar! wrote:

Of course to be fair, Hillary Clinton said:
"If you put it just really simply, these violent video games are stealing the innocence of our children"

And that's related to shops selling Mature or AO games to kids, which should be against law (unless it is already on US?).

No, its technically not illegal in the states... but Gamestop cards and their "game advisers" can be fired for selling an M rated game to a minor. Not that I'm sticking up for the chain but I've seen them enforce this ALL THE TIME and I just (expletive) love the dejected look on the kids faces. Like they don't know that they're going to do that tongue

You need to blame the parents here. Parents HAVE to present when a kid buys an M rated game at most chain stores... and they're the ones who don't give a ^%$# when the clerk informs them it's an M rated title. At the non chain store I like more, parents actually GOT UPSET that they have to be dragged into the store to buy said games. That pretty much proves everything...

But I'm with you. Just make it a freaking law already so people can't use this excuse anymore.

There was actually a decent sized fuss about wanting to do this after Adam Lanza and the whole Sandy Hook thing, when they were "trying" to link that tragedy to video games... but if I recall I think Lanza had stuff like Mario Galxay. I think Obama said something and everyone I know was like "it's not even a law and Gamestop enforces it!"

GoldfishX Aug 12, 2015

Before I was ever interested in politics, I was for whoever was against this clown. The fact that he ran with Al Gore in 2000 (think Tipper...think PMRC) still blows my mind. He kind of outdid anyone who would ever follow him, trying to feign outrage for no good reason (and as a Street Fighter player, I hated it because it gave Mortal Kombat about a thousand times more exposure than it deserved).

As for the current crop, they might want to tread carefully. In states where voting will be close, a couple thousand angry videogamers voting for the other person because they feel they are "anti-gamer" might actually swing an election.

GoldfishX Aug 12, 2015

Razakin wrote:

And guess there's some elections coming up if people are digging 3 year old "HEY LOOK AT ME"-tweets from racist assholes.

What's on the internet stays on the internet. People who like to change their stances on things (read: politicians) are highly advised to stay consistent.

Ramza Aug 12, 2015

Trump: yaaaawn

His stupidity and shock statements don't even grab my attention. So I guess he's failing. Or I'm REALLY jaded w/ American politics.

Ashley Winchester Aug 12, 2015

Ramza wrote:

Or I'm REALLY jaded w/ American politics.

To be honest, I probably should pay more attention to politics since I'm an adult so I can be a "informed voter" but the discussion that tends to arise from that discourse is pretty damn putrid. I'm probably better off talking about retro games and stuff...

GoldfishX Aug 13, 2015

The worst part is, once you understand the sides and their clashing ideologies, American politics is basically an extended reality TV show (covered several different ways, of course). Think of these primaries as deciding who gets "voted off", then the general election as an extended grand final. They should probably consider that format at some point, especially with so many GOP candidates (and if Hillary gets nailed, there could be an influx of Democratic candidates looking for an opportunity).

Jodo Kast Aug 13, 2015

Trump does have one strength - he's not a politician. I heard that from my dentist today and he further stated he'd prefer if all the politicians were removed from power and replaced with regular people. I wouldn't say that Trump is a regular person, though.

I really like Neil Tyson's thoughts on politicians: they predominantly have business and law degrees and where are the science degrees? Politicians are really slick and slippery people and know how to get a vote, but they aren't looking to improve humanity - just themselves.

The fact that concrete and asphalt sidewalks are built for ambulation is a simple example that shows how politicians are not scientifically educated and don't understand the human body. The consistently unvarying flat surface can cause plantar fasciitis and damages the ankles, knees, hips, back, shoulders and neck. Sidewalks should be the regular ground, unchanged by earth-moving machinery. If politicians were educated, then laws would be passed that the man-made sidewalks are for bicycles, skateboards, rollerblades, etc. and the ground beside it is for pedestrians.

Dragonfish Dog Aug 14, 2015

What's really amazing, I think, is how so many parents are perfectly okay with buying their kids M-Rated games when their kids haven't even reached the age of 10.

Used to work retail, and many times, a mother would come up the counter, M-Rated game in hand, and as soon as she paid for it, she would hand it to her son, who hardly looked older than 9 years old (usually Call of Duty, Battlefield, God of War, Gears of War, Assassin's Creed, etc.)

I'd explain to these parents the content of the game before they actually paid "You do know that this game [...]" and they'd just say, "That's perfectly fine, they know the difference between right and wrong/fantasy and reality."

One 60 year-old grandma even said, "Kids encounter worse things just being in public school. I know because I used to be a guidance counselor."

I wonder if the ratings system would carry more weight if we used the same ratings system as the movies, G, PG, PG-13, R, etc.

That said, I was probably the only 9 year old boy in my 4th grade class who hadn't seen the Rambo movies by then.

Dragonfish Dog Aug 14, 2015 (edited Aug 14, 2015)

Ashley Winchester wrote:

But I'm with you. Just make it a freaking law already so people can't use this excuse anymore.

There was actually a decent sized fuss about wanting to do this after Adam Lanza and the whole Sandy Hook thing, when they were "trying" to link that tragedy to video games... but if I recall I think Lanza had stuff like Mario Galxay. I think Obama said something and everyone I know was like "it's not even a law and Gamestop enforces it!"

So, will that mean that video games will be added to the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms?

Dragonfish Dog Aug 14, 2015 (edited Aug 14, 2015)

Then again, the only reason the video game violence debate exists because kids keep saying things like "Doom made me do it" or "Grand Theft Auto made me do it," like they have absolutely no control over themselves, and everything they see, they imitate like monkey-see-monkey-do.

No, these crazy, violent murderous killers made a conscious choice to do what they did.

But if these kids are that suggestible, maybe we should keep these easily influenceable people away from the video games, as opposed to keeping the video games away from everyone else?

It's not a problem with the game that exists, it's a problem with the person viewing the game.

Besides, it's insulting being carded when you're clearly over the age of 30.

Imagine being profiled as a deranged psycho because of the video games you buy, or anything else you buy, for that matter.

It's why I buy all my games online, or as direct downloads, through XBox Live, PSN, Steam, etc.

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