avatar! Sep 1, 2015 (edited Sep 1, 2015)
I'm wondering if there's a push among some Ubisoft "higher-ups" to covertly try and destroy the company and gaming in general?
I only ask because it seems like anytime they have potentially decent games (Might and Magic, Heroes of Might and Magic, Beyond Good and Evil, Child of Light) do they their best to make it as difficult to play as possible. To be fair, they finally released a physical version of Child of Light and the platform they choose is... Vita? Ugh, but of course the real issue is their computer-destroying DRM = games are basically unplayable which wouldn't be so bad if the games I want to play (Might and Magic for example) were available in anything other than PC, but for some asinine reason IT IS NOT!! This article pretty much sums up my opinion of Ubisoft
http://www.nag.co.za/2014/07/08/5-reaso … oft-sucks/
Oh, and let's not forget that they pretty much just release Assassin's Creed games now anyway. Mmmm, since 2007 I believe no less than 15 AC games have been released. The next one, coming soon (Liberation) apparently has at least five different editions coming out (regular, Gold, blah blah)... what ever happened to just having one version out for gamers? And since this is Ubisoft and AC, I'm sure all the bugs will be extremely entertaining!
http://kotaku.com/assassins-creed-unity … 1657939797
Well, maybe bugs are actually a positive for them?
Also, maybe my anger will abate a bit if Ubisoft releases a decent version of Beyond Good and Evil 2, but since this is Ubisoft I'm skeptical. Oh, and I haven't touched a Might and Magic game since Heroes V, I wholeheartedly blame the blackhearts at Ubisoft for keeping me away from one of my favorite series...