Ashley Winchester Sep 2, 2015 (edited Sep 2, 2015)
I'm certain we all have soundtracks we are odds at for some odd reasons. What are some of yours? Here's mine:
Wild Arms Advanced 3rd
While I've only come to realize this, my disappointment with the game years and years ago really skewed my opinion of this score. Wild Arms 3 isn't really a bad game in the slightest... but I did lie to myself for the longest time that I liked it because it was "a Wild Arms game" when it felt insanely mundane to me.
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter
The more I listen to this one the more and more I believe I'm on the cusp of it finally dropping that "it's not done by a in-house composer" thing I use to distance it from the music from the first four games (which isn't without its own faults) but I only think this will only fully happen if I play the game to hear the pieces in context, yet I don't really have any desire to play the game... or any game at the moment.
Super Castlevania IV
I really love the prog-like style of this one and how many of the tracks aren't as straightforward as in past and previous games... but I kind of hate listening to this one out of context for some reason.