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The_Paladin Sep 9, 2015

So, a while back I had gotten a good deal on the Treasure Hunter G soundtrack, but the catch was that the case was smashed.  Not just the outer plastic, but the trays had been compressed in so the cds wouldn't hold in place and one of the hinge pegs was broken so the disc 1 flap didn't sit right.  I've looked at replacement cases but all the double cd ones in that style (or similar at least) all seem to be black plastic and not white.  I have no idea if there is someplace online with white, but that would be the simplest solution if someone knows.  My next best option was swapping with another soundtrack with the same case (also used in the likes of Ys and Sorcerian Perfect Collections, etc.) but the one I had had yellowed significantly (presumably not just age and UV but probably cigarette smoke from previous owner)... so I soaked it in bleach, but that didn't seem to brighten it at all.  So, any ideas?

Ashley Winchester Sep 9, 2015 (edited Sep 9, 2015)

Try here:

Outside the CD jewel case sleeves I get from CD Japan (can't believe I've went through almost all I have already...) I get almost all of my other music storage needs here.

I need to order some storage boxes from here myself after I get paid tomorrow.


Yeah, I know how much it sucks to break a unique case. I remember buying the Drac X Chronicles OST (PSP one) from play-asia and getting it in the mail with a broken case. Never did find a replacement for that one and had to knock a significant amount off of it when selling.

Ashley Winchester Sep 10, 2015

The_Paladin wrote:

Yes, I checked there first. … thick.aspx
Only black available there.

Oops! Sorry about that.

Still, as you said that would be the first place I would look.

I'm kind of surprised they don't have white though... bummer...

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