avatar! Sep 23, 2015 (edited Sep 23, 2015)
http://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/dru … ge-n431926
http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2 … shole.html
In case you haven't heard, Shkreli raised the price on the life-saving medicine from $13.50 to $750 per pill. Yup, about 5500% more per pill!
"When confronted by the reporter with the low cost of producing Daraprim—about $1 per pill by her estimate—Shkreli claimed that the price hike was necessary for Turing Pharmaceuticals to increase revenue, and that some of the profits would be funneled into research and development costs for a Daraprim alternative. But as Emory University infectious disease professor Dr. Wendy Armstrong told RawStory, “I certainly don’t think this is one of those diseases where we have been clamoring for better therapies.” "
Basically he's full of shite. Oh, and read about how he harassed a family! Along with the lying sack of filth Mark Palmer (who killed Cecil the lion, by shooting him with an arrow and letting him suffer for 48 hours) I would love to see his head on a spike.