Ashley Winchester Oct 17, 2015 (edited Oct 17, 2015)
My one friend works at the local, non-chain gaming store and recently his health has taken a turn for the worse.
At first I was unaware anything was wrong, but one day the owner explained to me that he had been missing a lot of work. I guess they've been running test after test for the past six weeks and still can't find the issue; he's lost over 30 pounds.
I felt bad in general... but I felt really bad because prior to him telling me this I had asked my friend if he was still interested in buying some games I had been holding back for him for a few months and he said yes without letting me know what was going on. Had I known he had been missing work and was in no position to buy the items I wouldn't have asked... so I contacted him via e-mail and apologized and said the games could wait.
However, tonight the owner told me that he gave my friend a leave of absence and started training a new employee... but said my friend could return when things were on the upswing.
I know that may seem mean... but I understand the owner's situation (he actually has another job and this caused a TON of scheduling conflicts) and it wasn't fair to him, my friend or the customers. I say this because the one day I went in there I could just tell by my friend's body language and demeanor that he just shouldn't have been working. I mean really, he was just totally out of it and he shouldn't have been working... he's not going to get better with adding stress on top of whatever is ailing him.
But the whole point of this is I can't help but feel hesitant in wanting to contact him. He's a big reason why I enjoyed the store as much as I do and he always made me feel welcome... but I honestly feel given his condition he shouldn't be working. Now I wouldn't come right out and say that... but again, I feel hesitant to contact him because of this turn of events.
How would you handle this?