Amazingu Nov 10, 2015
So it's really a group effort of old, out of touch idiots.
Now THIS right here is something I think we can all agree on.
So it's really a group effort of old, out of touch idiots.
Now THIS right here is something I think we can all agree on.
GoldfishX wrote:So it's really a group effort of old, out of touch idiots.
Now THIS right here is something I think we can all agree on.
True, but honestly I'm more interested in the things we disagree on. I like people's different opinions, and I think that a good (and civil) discussion brings different ideas and backgrounds to light. By the way, I'm still waiting to hear back from you about my gripes with regards to China. I really think in many ways they are far worse than the USA. Not in all ways though.
So it's really a group effort of old, out of touch idiots.
I can't help but feel this kind of relates to both parties actually... although it probably fits the right more because of the word "old."
The left constantly trips over itself in its bid to be politically correct as possible and tries to please every one (which is pretty much impossible) to the point of utter annoyance...
...and the right wants to return to the more "innocent" times of our past that actually never existed but where people's dirty laundry wasn't broadcast to the world.
Both trains of thought are kind of self-defeating... as is the idea that all political thought can be separated into two distinct camps. I mean the idea that those seeking office are boxed in like that (if you're against a you HAVE to be against B and so on) is just so damn silly.
The irony is the Republicans are usually the party of "old white men" (I thought the whole 2012 pool of candidates were super weak and I did not care for Romney at all) and this year, you are seeing quite a bit of young blood kind of energize the party (Rubio, Cruz) and really challenge the establishment, along with the likes of outsiders like Cruz/Fiorina/Carson. The "old white men" of the party are really being beaten down. Jeb Bush looks like he's just moping along, doing what his Super PAC's tell him to do. Meanwhile, I get to watch zombies like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton over on the other side...yay...I think if people see a 44-year old intelligent guy like Rubio go up against Clinton, it would be damning for her.
Amazingu, honest question...What are your normal sources for news about the US? I know you're from outside the country. You mentioned Fox News, but what else do you use?
By the way, I'm still waiting to hear back from you about my gripes with regards to China. I really think in many ways they are far worse than the USA. Not in all ways though.
Dude, China is way worse, I was just yanking your chain.
That is, it IS a beautiful country, and you should definitely visit if you have the chance, but they've got human rights issues up the wazoo.
Amazingu, honest question...What are your normal sources for news about the US? I know you're from outside the country. You mentioned Fox News, but what else do you use?
I don't "use" Fox News, except to point and laugh at. Same goes for CNN.
I don't really have a go-to source for US news, because I have yet to find a news outlet that isn't full of biased crap (this goes for many countries btw), so I basically read stuff that American friends post on Facebook and/or Twitter, which comes from a variety of sources, and whatever comes by on the 9 o'clock news on Japanese TV (which isn't much, but at least it's not overly biased. Unless it's about China/Korea. Or Japan. Actually, just forget I said that, lol).
I'm open to suggestions though.
I guess that is what I was getting at...there really isn't a "safe" news source. Since there really isn't another source that carries conservative viewpoints, Fox ends up offsetting some of the bias. CNN isn't as slanted as MSNBC, but it is there (the recent coverage on Ben Carson is a prime example of their bias) But it ALL needs to be filtered and cross-examined. The media in the US that reports about the US is garbage.
Edit: I guess my suggestion would be to use Youtube to find more about the body of work for people. That is better than watching a single network. That is what I do. I probably use Youtube four times as much as I watch actual TV.
if this was a Konami game,, i suppose up up down down,, etc would allow you to play as trump.
btw,, i am totally envious of canada's recent election.. if only it wasn't so buttass cold up there