avatar! Nov 24, 2015
Please let this be for real... please... please...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcgxbB1 … be&t=39m5s
preorder available!
Please let this be for real... please... please...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcgxbB1 … be&t=39m5s
preorder available!
I'm pretty sure Dragon Quest VII was released before in the United States, and in English, too; it was on the original PlayStation, back in 2001.
I remember being preoccupied with Final Fantasy X at the time.
It was a rare release, though.
Sure would be nice of Square-Enix to release it on PlayStation Network.
I'm pretty sure Dragon Quest VII was released before in the United States, and in English, too; it was on the original PlayStation, back in 2001.
I believe your correct. However, my friend will be all over these even though he has the PS2 original of VII.
Dragon Quest has never been up my alley, but he just loves how it's one of the few remaining RPGs that retains that old school feel in a world where that's becoming harder to find.
The original DQVII on PS was the very, very long and boring and (arguably) bad one. The new one being released on the DS (and already been out for quite a number of years in Japan) is the remake DQVII where they gutted most of the boring shit and made it an actual good game.
The original DQVII on PS was the very, very long and boring and (arguably) bad one. The new one being released on the DS (and already been out for quite a number of years in Japan) is the remake DQVII where they gutted most of the boring shit and made it an actual good game.
That's interesting. I didn't know that the game even got remade...
...but knowing my friend he might actually like VII on the PS2 being a slog. He's kind of weird like that.
I don't know how he can stand level grinding to the level he does. I don't mind it per say but I do have limits. I don't know if he does.
DQ VII was indeed released on the PSX and VIII was PS2. Interestingly enough VII was called "Dragon Warrior" and not Dragon Quest (I believe this was the last game to be called Dragon Warrior). I would definitely rather play the DS remake than the original PSX which is decent, but probably has not aged all that well. All the DS remakes (from IV and up) have been very good with IV being the best thus far. I hope VII takes the crown. Hmmm, would that mean it takes the Dragon's Crown? Gota love geeky game jokes
I really liked Dragon Quest VII. The main characters weren't particularly interesting, but the NPCs were, and the translation was pretty funny at times. And that dungeon where you walk on the surface of rotating cubes was pretty cool.
If the remake is even better, I'll have to give it a try. What specifically did they remove?
I'm looking forward to playing VII since I really enjoyed IV, V and VI much more than I expected to. That said, I have a copy of VIII floating around for PS2 and can't imagine why I'd opt for the handheld version over that.
The original DQVII on PS was the very, very long and boring and (arguably) bad one. The new one being released on the DS (and already been out for quite a number of years in Japan) is the remake DQVII where they gutted most of the boring shit and made it an actual good game.
Sweet. If there's one thing the DQ series needed more than anything (before 8, anyway), it was a modernization.
It has been said (in EGM, back in the day) that the original Dragon Quest VII / Dragon Warrior VII took about 100 hours to complete, if only for the sake of level-building.
I love to death the original NES Dragon Warrior / Dragon Quest, and I only finished it for the first time within the past 5 years, but I also listened to podcasts and movie commentaries and the like while doing it - and the same is true with most level-grinding RPGs I play, especially when I get tired of the same music over and over again. This was also how I finished games like Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne, and the 2 Digital Devil Saga games.
Also, NES emulator that allowed me to play the game sped up. NES and SNES games played on fast forward are a real adrenaline rush! I can complete classic RPGs in 3 days just because of that feature! Final Fantasy VI? Not so long anymore now, are you?
Dragon Warrior II, I still have yet to finish. Last time I played it, I was a wee tyke still in grade school; I remember getting the ship, and then not being able to figure out where I should've gone next, and spent the rest of the time wandering the world. I eventually gave up. A map certainly would've helped back in those days.
Never finished Dragon Quest VIII, even though I owned it. I think I was just so tired of PS2 RPGs at that point; I must've played 60 of them alone, and that's excluding both Final Fantasy XII and Dragon Quest VIII. I was saving those for last, expecting them to be the best, but I just couldn't stomach anymore.
I think I was just so tired of PS2 RPGs at that point...
Yeah... I kind of tried of the genre on the PS2 as well. I played so many RPGs on the PS1. Granted there were some great games but I started to realize that I had overdone it.
I think I only played a small fraction of RPGs on the PS2 compared to a much larger portion of them on the PS1.
Dragonfish Dog wrote:I think I was just so tired of PS2 RPGs at that point...
Yeah... I kind of tried of the genre on the PS2 as well. I played so many RPGs on the PS1. Granted there were some great games but I started to realize that I had overdone it.
I think I only played a small fraction of RPGs on the PS2 compared to a much larger portion of them on the PS1.
I can understand being burned-out on long RPGs. Myself, I haven't been excited about a JRPG since I played Dark Souls II (which was a bit of a disappointment, and doesn't play like a traditional JRPG). That said, the DQ remakes (that I have played) are really well done, and I am excited about DQ VII and VIII! 1Up previews VII (old video):
Compare that with the PSX version:
(the main character totally looks like Link, right?!)
PS2 vs 3DS, thoughts?
PS2 vs 3DS, thoughts?
Eh... personally I'm kind of torn. The differences in content we've talked about above would probably be the deciding factor in which version I'd prefer if I were to play it.
I don't really like how it looks on 3DS, in terms of color (assuming it really does look like that and it's not just the video settings on the 3DS-to-PC converter) but otherwise it's quite nice overall. But with the option for a new ending and the remastered music (it's less cave-like and now sounds like a studio recording) I'm totally sold.
Has anyone played BOTH the DS and PS version of VIII? If so, I would love to hear opinions about which one is "better"?