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avatar! Nov 30, 2015 (edited Nov 30, 2015)

"To make this game even more enjoyable, we have decided to create a new amibbo figure..."


Uhhh, not sure what to say about that. I loved Twilight Princess, but how about a new Zelda game and not another HD remake? I mean, if they were going to redo a Zelda how about the original or Zelda II? That would be exciting, as for this... it certainly does not entice me to purchase a Wii U.

edit: although, when the brand new Zelda game is released I may be tempted to pick up a Wii U, although maybe by that time it will be a NX game?

Ashley Winchester Dec 1, 2015

avatar! wrote:

I loved Twilight Princess.

Correct me if I'm wrong - as I'm kind of going off what I've been reading on message boards - but isn't Twilight Princess kind of the new "love to hate" Zelda game right now?

It seems every Zelda game goes through a period where people just rail on it for the sake or railing on it. I'm taking it since TP is getting a HD remake it's time is now?

raynebc Dec 1, 2015

HD remakes are a relatively (compared to a new game) low-effort way for Nintendo to make some cash.  I'd rather get a new game too, but I probably wouldn't turn this down, since I generally like all the 3D Zelda games.  And my WiiU needs more action.

Ashley Winchester Dec 1, 2015

raynebc wrote:

HD remakes are a relatively (compared to a new game) low-effort way for Nintendo to make some cash.  I'd rather get a new game too, but I probably wouldn't turn this down, since I generally like all the 3D Zelda games.  And my WiiU needs more action.

I'm not too big on the HD re-releases, but it seems kind of pointless to do HD remasters of Windwaker and Ocarina and not do the corresponding titles from their originating consoles. I can't help but feel things would feel incomplete...

Brandon Dec 6, 2015

Too soon!

I liked Twilight Princess, but I just don't see all that much room for graphical improvement yet.

Aran Jan 2, 2016

Well, in the comparison videos, it's actually gotten a texture overhaul. It's really detailed, and having it in 1920x1080 is really nice nowadays.

Qui-Gon Joe Aug 5, 2016

Just got that.  Have only listened through once, but I'm pretty happy with it so far.  I know it's not 100% complete, but it has everything that I'd want out of a soundtrack to the game, and it's nice having even this after so long.  I was gonna make a separate post in the Soundtracks category, but that will probably wait until I've listened more to give more thorough impressions.  I can say that I HATE when VGM is packaged in DVD-sized cases, though (my Ikea shelves are an older type where each shelf is CD height and DVD cases don't fit properly).  It's sparkly, though, if you hold it up to light.

avatar! Aug 6, 2016 (edited Aug 6, 2016)

How does it compare to this?

I thought Twilight Symphony was so awesome... not sure the original will sound as good!

Also, personally I hate really short tracks like this which are spruced throughout the soundtrack

08     Get a Heart Container     0:06

always seems to break the music in my opinion hmm I want the soundtrack to flow from one piece to another...

Zane Aug 9, 2016

It's a fantastic release, but based on your complaints it sounds like you're already biased toward the ZREO release, so it's probably not worth your time. Twilight Symphony is great, and is a better cohesive listening experience, but the OST is a more enveloping listen if you've played the game because it evokes nostalgia in a way that TS simply can't.

I'm not bummed that it's not technically a "complete" release, because everything that's here fits and isn't superfluous. (Look at the Wind Waker soundtrack - that's "complete" and it's a total disaster front-to-back.) The mixing and spacial placement of the instruments on this OST is top-notch, though - listening to the twilight battle theme with headphones on is such a trip.

avatar! Aug 9, 2016

Zane wrote:

It's a fantastic release, but based on your complaints it sounds like you're already biased toward the ZREO release, so it's probably not worth your time. Twilight Symphony is great, and is a better cohesive listening experience, but the OST is a more enveloping listen if you've played the game because it evokes nostalgia in a way that TS simply can't.

I'm not bummed that it's not technically a "complete" release, because everything that's here fits and isn't superfluous. (Look at the Wind Waker soundtrack - that's "complete" and it's a total disaster front-to-back.) The mixing and spacial placement of the instruments on this OST is top-notch, though - listening to the twilight battle theme with headphones on is such a trip.

You know, it's been so long since I played TP that the only music I "remember" is actually Twilight Symphony. So yeah, you're probably right smile Come to think of it, I don't even remember when was the last time I played a Zelda game. Probably Skyward Sword which had such terrible controls that I just put it away and said "not worth my time"...

Zane Aug 14, 2016

avatar! wrote:

You know, it's been so long since I played TP that the only music I "remember" is actually Twilight Symphony. So yeah, you're probably right smile

Might be time to revisit! (On GameCube, if possible, so you don't have to deal with those Wiimote controls.)

I've been listening to this OST and Twilight Symphony almost exclusively this past week, and it has been an absolute blast to compare the two. While I can't say that either one is "better" from my perspective, I will say that both albums are totally fantastic. Symphony seems to be more suited for general listening (it's great for cooking), but the TP OST is best when I'm either relaxing or listening intensively through noise cancelling headphones. 10/10 and 10/10, for sure. wink Can't wait to have another playthrough of this, my favorite Zelda game.

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