layzee Aug 14, 2021 (edited Aug 14, 2021)
Just an overall update post about S.S.H's activities so we're all on the same page. Starting from old news to recent news.
1. The current state of Touhou.
The Touhou arrange albums, which is a joint project with Eru (of Aether), had its most recent release at the end of 2019. These albums began in 2012 and has had multiple releases in every year without fail up till 2019. There were no S.S.H./Eru Touhou albums in 2020, which breaks that release streak, and none so far in 2021.
2. S.S.H.'s current projects.
After the Koihime series in 2014~2016, he would focus on the following three things:
Continuing the aforementioned Touhou arrange albums with Eru.
Working on his original works/CD albums.
Arranging tracks from mozell.
This continues to the present day.
3. What is mozell/mozeen/mozecon?
mozell is an original game music composer (2014 to current) for a game that may or may not exist. In other words, he composes for a "concept" game. He belongs to the "mozeen" organisation and "mozecon" is a title for some of his albums. If this hypothetical game he is composing for exists (which it may, I'm not completely sure), it may come in the form of an RPG Maker game.
From what I can tell, his compositions are pretty popular and multiple people have gone on to arrange his works over the years. S.S.H. is one of them, and contributed a full album under the title "Mozetama!" in 2020.
4. S.S.H. activities 2017~.
As far as I can tell, apart from posting a bunch of Twitter posts every once in a while (e.g. month long breaks in between), he would be mostly quietly composing and arranging songs and producing albums and to promote them on various platforms (e.g. his website, Soundcloud, Twitter, etc).
Notable in 2019, he would secretly (from my perspective anyway) contribute music to two Steam games: One Finger Death Punch 2 (a Western-made game) and Devil Engine (debatable). Also adds a new track or two to Version 3 of Koihime Enbu in the same year or in 2020. No announcements or promotions about any of these from S.S.H. that I am aware of.
5. S.S.H. in 2020~2021.
During this period, S.S.H. would make further efforts into distributing his music digitally, signing up for multiple digital music shopfronts.
In July 2021, S.S.H. does the following:
He revamps and updates his website and website contents.
He publicly announces on various platforms his intention to freelance.
He announces for the first time (that I know of) his 2019 Steam game music contributions.
He reveals concrete details of "Dark Nave Dungeon", a free game he has been working on since probably 2016.
He reveals his YouTube account (created in May 2021) and his intention to contribute to it.
He uploads 6 YouTube videos (two are inspired by Windows 10 sounds).
Beginning with a possible 12th of July prelude, he states that he is "recovering from a depression" on the 18th of July. Currently, he may or may not be hospitalised and/or taking medication.
That should about wrap things up.
As far as my website is concerned, for now I'm mainly just slowly translating liner notes and S.S.H.'s other music-related posts and comments. "Slowly" because to be honest, translating is a bit of a pain and a bit boring and there's quite a bit to do. I will get it done eventually though.