Timt99 Jan 4, 2016
Hey there soundtrack central community! It's been a minute (more like 9 years) since I was fully engaged in the VGM world! I recognize some veteran names on here as I was browsing through some current topics. You guys truly have some passion when it comes to gaming, anime, soundtracks, and Japanese culture! That's great to see!
My main purpose for posting was to say that I had a wonderful trip to Japan the past week, namely Osaka and Kyoto. I had been to Tokyo in 2012, but this trip was a bit special since I don't think I'll ever visit Japan again in the foreseeable future. I'm currently teaching English in Korea (have been for 5 years now), but will be finally heading back to the States for good in March.
Japan is amazing. It was a breath of fresh air (pun intended if compared to the air quality of Korea). The people are so friendly, the food is absolutely amazing, the scenery is breathtaking, and the sightseeing places are endless. I loved being able to ride a bike and explore the country more easily that way while getting some exercise. I saw a Saga Frontier II OST at a Tsukaya store and it made be grow elated over the sight! Haha.
Walking through the ENDLESS aisles of videogames from retro 95 to current was a joy as it brought nostalgia to my childhood pastime. Seeing PS1 games still on sale and an Xbox shelf as big in quantity as the former was both comical and grin-worthy.
The food: ramen, yakisoba, green tea, SUSHI, grilled fish, etc. was every bit as pleasurable as I had expected minus the price to my wallet. The food was on another level. Did I say green tea kit kats anyone?
Talking to the locals brought a sense of oneness while being there. The politeness? Indeed! Seeing them wait for you to get off the subway before they get on was a novelty! (You get pushing and shoving in Korea)
McDonald's ice cream cones had a higher quality flavor to them, and how can I forget the Fettuccine sour candy?!
The foating garden rooftop view overlooking a massive Osaka, the Fushimi shrine with it's thousands of orange arches in Kyoto, the Arashiyama geishas and monkeys , and the Kiyomizu temple on grand display....thank you Japan for a wonderful experience.
Japan, thank you!!!