Jodo Kast Feb 8, 2016
Some of you might recall that I wrote a long essay about my first few decades of experience with video games. I haven't yet made that kind of progress with another of my interests, which is reading science fiction. Just like with video games, I've been able to make a list. I guess the problem with reading is that I haven't stopped. There was a definite time when I stopped playing video games, which allowed me to recall and write about it.
This is what I've read since age 14 and it's part of the reason why my video game knowledge is deficient in many areas. I can't have it all, but I try. (Copied and pasted from Excel)
1884 Flatland Edwin A. Abbott
1895 The Time Machine H. G. Wells
1896 The Island of Dr. Moreau H. G. Wells
1902 The Hound of the Baskervilles Arthur Conan Doyle
1932 Brave New World Aldous Huxley
1935 In Caverns Below Stanton A. Coblentz
1937 The Hobbit, or There and Back Again J. R. R. Tolkien
1942 Masters of Time A. E. van Vogt
1945 Animal Farm George Orwell
1946 Slan A. E. van Vogt
1947 The Book of Ptath A. E. van Vogt
1948 Beyond This Horizon Robert A. Heinlein
1949 1984 George Orwell
1949 Red Planet Robert A. Heinlein
1949 Sixth Column Robert A. Heinlein
1950 Cosmic Engineers Clifford D. Simak
1950 Farmer in the Sky Robert A. Heinlein
1950 The Five Gold Bands Jack Vance
1950 The House that Stood Still A. E. van Vogt
1950 The Man Who Sold the Moon Robert A. Heinlein
1950 The Voyage of the Space Beagle A. E. van Vogt
1950 Waldo & Magic, Inc. Robert A. Heinlein
1951 Foundation Isaac Asimov
1951 The Green Hills of Earth Robert A. Heinlein
1951 The Puppet Masters Robert A. Heinlein
1952 City Clifford D. Simak
1952 Foundation and Empire Isaac Asimov
1952 Player Piano Kurt Vonnegut
1952 The Mixed Men A. E. van Vogt
1952 The Rolling Stones Robert A. Heinlein
1952 Vault of the Ages Poul Anderson
1953 Assignment in Eternity Robert A. Heinlein
1953 Childhood's End Arthur C. Clarke
1953 Fahrenheit 451 Ray Bradbury
1953 Revolt in 2100 Robert A. Heinlein
1953 Second Foundation Isaac Asimov
1953 Starman Jones Robert A. Heinlein
1953 The Space Merchants Frederik Pohl
1953 The Universe Maker A. E. van Vogt
1954 Search the Sky Frederik Pohl
1954 The Star Beast Robert A. Heinlein
1954 Untouched by Human Hands Robert Sheckley
1955 Citizen in Space Robert Sheckley
1955 Earthlight Arthur C. Clarke
1955 Not This August C. M. Kornbluth
1955 Tunnel in the Sky Robert A. Heinlein
1956 Alternating Currents Frederik Pohl
1956 Double Star Robert A. Heinlein
1956 The Man Who Japed Philip K. Dick
1956 The World Jones Made Philip K. Dick
1956 Time for the Stars Robert A. Heinlein
1957 Citizen of the Galaxy Robert A. Heinlein
1957 Empire of the Atom A. E. van Vogt
1957 Pilgrimage to Earth Robert Sheckley
1957 The Black Cloud Fred Hoyle
1957 The Case Against Tomorrow Frederik Pohl
1957 The Door into Summer Robert A. Heinlein
1957 The Green Odyssey Philip José Farmer
1957 The Naked Sun Isaac Asimov
1958 Have Space Suit - Will Travel Robert A. Heinlein
1958 Methuselah's Children Robert A. Heinlein
1958 Starburst Alfred Bester
1958 The Deadly Streets Harlan Ellison
1958 The Languages of Pao Jack Vance
1958 The Survivors Tom Godwin
1959 Immortality, Inc. Robert Sheckley
1959 Starship Troopers Robert A. Heinlein
1959 The Menace from Earth Robert A. Heinlein
1959 The Sirens of Titan Kurt Vonnegut
1959 The Unpleasant Profession of Jonathan Hoag Robert A. Heinlein
1959 Time Out of Joint Philip K. Dick
1959 Tomorrow Times Seven Frederik Pohl
1960 A Woman a Day Philip José Farmer
1960 Dr. Futurity Philip K. Dick
1960 Flesh Philip José Farmer
1960 Notions: Unlimited Robert Sheckley
1960 Store of Infinity Robert Sheckley
1960 The Man Who Ate the World Frederik Pohl
1960 The Status Civilization Robert Sheckley
1960 Vulcan's Hammer Philip K. Dick
1961 Dark Universe Daniel F. Galouye
1961 Gentleman Junkie and Other Stories of the Hung-Up Generation Harlan Ellison
1961 Nightmares Robert Bloch
1961 Stranger in a Strange Land Robert A. Heinlein
1961 The Lovers Philip José Farmer
1962 A Wrinkle in Time Madeleine L'Engle
1962 Ellison Wonderland Harlan Ellison
1962 Fire and the Night Philip José Farmer
1962 Journey Beyond Tomorrow Robert Sheckley
1962 Joyleg Ward Moore
1962 More Nightmares Robert Bloch
1962 Mother Night Kurt Vonnegut
1962 Shards of Space Robert Sheckley
1962 The Man in the High Castle Philip K. Dick
1962 The Perfect Planet Evelyn E. Smith
1962 The Violent Man A. E. van Vogt
1962 The Wizard of Linn A. E. van Vogt
1962 They Walked Like Men Clifford D. Simak
1963 Cat's Cradle Kurt Vonnegut
1963 Glory Road Robert A. Heinlein
1963 Orphans of the Sky Robert A. Heinlein
1963 Podkayne of Mars Robert A. Heinlein
1963 The Game-Players of Titan Philip K. Dick
1963 Way Station Clifford D. Simak
1964 Davy Edgar Pangborn
1964 Farnham's Freehold Robert A. Heinlein
1964 Inside Outside Philip José Farmer
1964 One of Our Asteroids is Missing Robert Silverberg
1964 Space by the Tale Jerome Bixby
1964 The Book of Three Lloyd Alexander
1964 The Dark Side of the Earth Alfred Bester
1964 The Great Time Machine Hoax Keith Laumer
1965 A Plague of Demons Keith Laumer
1965 Dare Philip José Farmer
1965 Dune Frank Herbert
1965 The 10th Victim Robert Sheckley
1965 The Anything Box Zenna Henderson
1965 The Black Cauldron Lloyd Alexander
1965 The Maker of Universes Philip José Farmer
1965 The Squares of the City John Brunner
1966 A Scourge of Screamers Daniel F. Galouye
1966 Now Wait for Last Year Philip K. Dick
1966 October the First is Too Late Fred Hoyle
1966 The Castle of Llyr Lloyd Alexander
1966 The Gates of Creation Philip José Farmer
1966 World of Ptavvs Larry Niven
1967 Breakthrough Richard Cowper
1967 Counter-Clock World Philip K. Dick
1967 I Have no Mouth and I Must Scream Harlan Ellison
1967 Living Way Out Wyman Guin
1967 Nine By Laumer Keith Laumer
1967 Taran Wanderer Lloyd Alexander
1967 The Werewolf Principle Clifford D. Simak
1967 Why Call Them Back From Heaven? Clifford D. Simak
1968 2001: A Space Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke
1968 A Private Cosmos Philip José Farmer
1968 Bedlam Planet John Brunner
1968 Dimension of Miracles Robert Sheckley
1968 Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Philip K. Dick
1968 Dragonflight Anne McCaffrey
1968 Image of the Beast Philip José Farmer
1968 Neutron Star Larry Niven
1968 Of Men and Monsters William Tenn
1968 Past Master R. A. Lafferty
1968 Space Chantey R. A. Lafferty
1968 The Goblin Reservation Clifford D. Simak
1968 The High King Lloyd Alexander
1968 The People Trap Robert Sheckley
1968 The Reefs of Earth R. A. Lafferty
1969 A Feast Unknown Philip José Farmer
1969 Blown Philip José Farmer
1969 Damnation Alley Roger Zelazny
1969 Fourth Mansions R. A. Lafferty
1969 The Empty People Barry N. Malzberg
1969 The Palace D. G. Compton
1969 The Parasaurians Robert Wells
1969 The Standing Joy Wyman Guin
1969 Ubik Philip K. Dick
1970 Behind the Walls of Terra Philip José Farmer
1970 Evil is Live Spelled Backwards Andrew J. Offutt
1970 Lord of the Trees Philip José Farmer
1970 Nine Hundred Grandmothers R. A. Lafferty
1970 Ole Doc Methuselah L. Ron Hubbard
1970 Our Friends From Frolix 8 Philip K. Dick
1970 Out of Their Minds Clifford D. Simak
1970 Ringworld Larry Niven
1970 Starbreed Martha DeMey Clow
1971 Arrive at Easterwine: The Autobiography of a Ktistec Machine R. A. Lafferty
1971 Candle in the Sun Robert Wells
1971 Dragonquest Anne McCaffrey
1971 Sleepwalker's World Gordon R. Dickson
1971 The Eclipse of Dawn Gordon Eklund
1971 The Exorcist William Peter Blatty
1971 The Fabulous Riverboat Philip José Farmer
1971 The Same to You Doubled Robert Sheckley
1971 To Your Scattered Bodies Go Philip José Farmer
1972 A Trace of Dreams Gordon Eklund
1972 First Person, Peculiar T. L. Sherred
1972 Mirror Image Michael G. Coney
1972 Strange Doings R. A. Lafferty
1972 The Rim of the Unknown Frank Belknap Long
1972 The Terminal Man Michael Crichton
1972 Time's Last Gift Philip José Farmer
1972 We Can Build You Philip K. Dick
1972 What Entropy Means to Me George Alec Effinger
1973 Cage a Man F. M. Busby
1973 Friends Come in Boxes Michael G. Coney
1973 Inheritance Robert Wells
1973 Mister Justice Doris Piserchia
1973 Rendezvous With Rama Arthur C. Clarke
1973 Right-Handed Wilderness Robert Wells
1973 Syzygy Michael G. Coney
1973 Ten Thousand Light-Years from Home James Tiptree, Jr.
1973 The Hero of Downways Michael G. Coney
1973 Time Enough for Love Robert A. Heinlein
1973 Traitor to the Living Philip José Farmer
1974 Before the Golden Age, Book 1 Isaac Asimov (Ed.)
1974 Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said Philip K. Dick
1974 Mixed Feelings George Alec Effinger
1974 Star Rider Doris Piserchia
1974 The Mote in God's Eye Larry Niven
1975 Blake's Progress Ray Faraday Nelson
1975 Hello Summer, Goodbye Michael G. Coney
1975 Imperial Earth Arthur C. Clarke
1975 Lovecraft: A Biography (Nonfiction) L. Sprague de Camp
1975 Norstrilia Cordwainer Smith
1975 Orbitsville Bob Shaw
1975 The Forever War Joe Haldeman
1975 The Proud Enemy F. M. Busby
1975 The Spacejacks Robert Wells
1975 Warm Worlds and Otherwise James Tiptree, Jr.
1976 A Billion Days of Earth Doris Piserchia
1976 Dragonsong Anne McCaffrey
1976 Not to Mention Camels R. A. Lafferty
1976 Patternmaster Octavia E. Butler
1976 Rissa Kerguelen F. M. Busby
1976 Science Fiction Discoveries Carol & Frederik Pohl (Ed.)
1976 The Long View F. M. Busby
1976 The Shores of Kansas Robert Chilson
1976 Walkers on the Sky David J. Lake
1977 A Scanner Darkly Philip K. Dick
1977 Dragonsinger Anne McCaffrey
1977 Earthchild Doris Piserchia
1977 Mind of My Mind Octavia E. Butler
1977 The Dark Design Philip José Farmer
1977 The Lavalite World Philip José Farmer
1977 The Monadic Universe George Zebrowski
1977 The Right Hand of Dextra David J. Lake
1977 The Shining Stephen King
1978 100 Great Science Fiction Short Short Stories Isaac Asimov (Ed.)
1978 All These Earths F. M. Busby
1978 Mastodonia Clifford D. Simak
1978 Night Shift Stephen King
1978 Spaceling Doris Piserchia
1978 Splinter of the Mind's Eye Alan Dean Foster
1978 Strange Eons Robert Bloch
1978 Survivor Octavia E. Butler
1978 The Revolt of the Unemployables Ray Faraday Nelson
1978 The Way the Future Was: A Memoir (Nonfiction) Frederik Pohl
1978 The White Dragon Anne McCaffrey
1979 Dark is the Sun Philip José Farmer
1979 Dragondrums Anne McCaffrey
1979 Jem Frederik Pohl
1979 Jesus on Mars Philip José Farmer
1979 Kindred Octavia E. Butler
1979 Macrolife George Zebrowski
1979 The Ringworld Engineers Larry Niven
1980 Dragon's Egg Robert L. Forward
1980 End of the Line F. M. Busby
1980 Expanded Universe Robert A. Heinlein
1980 Manifest Destiny Barry B. Longyear
1980 Shatterday Harlan Ellison
1980 Split Infinity Piers Anthony
1980 The Fluger Doris Piserchia
1980 The Funhouse Dean Koontz
1980 The Magic Labyrinth Philip José Farmer
1980 The Number of the Beast Robert A. Heinlein
1980 The Spinner Doris Piserchia
1980 The Visitors Clifford D. Simak
1980 White Light Rudy Rucker
1980 Wild Seed Octavia E. Butler
1980 Zelde M'Tana F. M. Busby
1981 Blue Adept Piers Anthony
1981 Doomtime Doris Piserchia
1981 Earth in Twilight Doris Piserchia
1981 Spacetime Donuts Rudy Rucker
1981 The Divine Invasion Philip K. Dick
1981 The Unreasoning Mask Philip José Farmer
1981 VALIS Philip K. Dick
1982 2010: Odyssey Two Arthur C. Clarke
1982 Foundation's Edge Isaac Asimov
1982 Juxtaposition Piers Anthony
1982 Software Rudy Rucker
1982 Special Deliverance Clifford D. Simak
1982 The Gunslinger Stephen King
1982 The House of Thunder Dean Koontz
1982 The Running Man Stephen King
1983 Gods of Riverworld Philip José Farmer
1983 Lando Calrissian and the Flamewind of Oseon L. Neil Smith
1983 Lando Calrissian and the Mindharp of Sharu L. Neil Smith
1983 Lando Calrissian and the Starcave of ThonBoka L. Neil Smith
1983 Orbitsville Departure Bob Shaw
1983 Pet Sematary Stephen King
1983 The Sex Sphere Rudy Rucker
1983 The Tomorrow Testament Barry B. Longyear
1983 Through Elegant Eyes R. A. Lafferty
1984 Clay's Ark Octavia E. Butler
1984 Dr. Adder K. W. Jeter
1984 Job: A Comedy of Justice Robert A. Heinlein
1984 Master of Space and Time Rudy Rucker
1984 Neuromancer William Gibson
1984 Scapescope John E. Stith
1984 Star Rebel F. M. Busby
1984 The Alien Debt F. M. Busby
1984 The Man Whose Teeth Were All Exactly Alike Philip K. Dick
1984 The Merchants' War Frederik Pohl
1984 The Peace War Vernor Vinge
1984 Things Beyond Midnight William F. Nolan
1984 Thinner Stephen King
1985 Dayworld Philip José Farmer
1985 Ender's Game Orson Scott Card
1985 Eon Greg Bear
1985 Puttering About in a Small Land Philip K. Dick
1985 Rebel's Quest F. M. Busby
1985 Spinneret Timothy Zahn
1985 Starquake Robert L. Forward
1985 The Cat Who Walks Through Walls Robert A. Heinlein
1985 The Glass Hammer K. W. Jeter
1985 The Remaking of Sigmund Freud Barry N. Malzberg
1985 The Secret of Life Rudy Rucker
1986 Aliens Alan Dean Foster
1986 IT Stephen King
1986 Marooned in Realtime Vernor Vinge
1986 Radio Free Albemuth Philip K. Dick
1986 Rebels' Seed F. M. Busby
1986 Speaker for the Dead Orson Scott Card
1987 Araminta Station Jack Vance
1987 Dayworld Rebel Philip José Farmer
1987 Sphere Michael Crichton
1987 The Architects of Hyperspace Thomas R. McDonough
1987 The Drawing of the Three Stephen King
1987 To Sail Beyond the Sunset Robert A. Heinlein
1987 Watchers Dean Koontz
1988 2061: Odyssey Three Arthur C. Clarke
1988 Cradle Arthur C. Clarke
1988 Eternity Greg Bear
1988 Wetware Rudy Rucker
1989 Nemesis Isaac Asimov
1989 Rama II Arthur C. Clarke
1990 Earth David Brin
1990 Four Past Midnight Stephen King
1990 Jurassic Park Michael Crichton
1990 Orbitsville Judgement Bob Shaw
1990 Outnumbering the Dead Frederik Pohl
1990 The Bad Place Dean Koontz
1990 The Ring of Charon Roger MacBride Allen
1990 The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition Stephen King
1991 Beast Peter Benchley
1991 Cold Fire Dean Koontz
1991 Ecce and Old Earth Jack Vance
1991 Heir to the Empire Timothy Zahn
1991 Needful Things Stephen King
1991 Red Orc's Rage Philip José Farmer
1991 The Garden of Rama Arthur C. Clarke
1991 The Waste Lands Stephen King
1991 Xenocide Orson Scott Card
1992 A Fire Upon the Deep Vernor Vinge
1992 Dark Force Rising Timothy Zahn
1992 Hideaway Dean Koontz
1992 Quarantine Greg Egan
1992 Throy Jack Vance
1992 Timemaster Robert L. Forward
1993 Camelot 30K Robert L. Forward
1993 Manhattan Transfer John E. Stith
1993 More Than Fire Philip José Farmer
1993 Rama Revealed Arthur C. Clarke
1993 The Hammer of God Arthur C. Clarke
1993 The Last Command Timothy Zahn
1993 The Rediscovery of Man Cordwainer Smith
1994 Champions of the Force Kevin J. Anderson
1994 Dark Apprentice Kevin J. Anderson
1994 Gather Yourselves Together Philip K. Dick
1994 Jedi Search Kevin J. Anderson
1994 Permutation City Greg Egan
1994 Reunion on Neverend John E. Stith
1994 The Courtship of Princess Leia Dave Wolverton
1994 The Crystal Star Vonda McIntyre
1994 The Gripping Hand Larry Niven
1994 The Shattered Sphere Roger MacBride Allen
1994 The Truce at Bakura Kathy Tyers
1995 Ambush at Corellia Roger MacBride Allen
1995 Assault at Selonia Roger MacBride Allen
1995 Bright Messengers Gentry Lee
1995 Children of the Jedi Barbara Hambly
1995 Darksaber Kevin J. Anderson
1995 Distress Greg Egan
1995 Microcosmic God Theodore Sturgeon
1995 Rose Madder Stephen King
1995 Showdown at Centerpoint Roger MacBride Allen
1995 Tales from the Mos Eisley Cantina Kevin J. Anderson (Ed.)
1995 The Lost World Michael Crichton
1995 The Ultimate Egoist Theodore Sturgeon
1996 Before the Storm Michael P. Kube-McDowell
1996 Children of the Mind Orson Scott Card
1996 Killdozer! Theodore Sturgeon
1996 Rogue Squadron Michael A. Stackpole
1996 Shadows of the Empire Steve Perry
1996 Shield of Lies Michael P. Kube-McDowell
1996 Tales from Jabba's Palace Kevin J. Anderson (Ed.)
1996 Tales of the Bounty Hunters Kevin J. Anderson (Ed.)
1996 The Green Mile Stephen King
1996 The Krytos Trap Michael A. Stackpole
1996 The New Rebellion Kristine Kathryn Rusch
1996 The Other End of Time Frederik Pohl
1996 Virtual Zen Ray Faraday Nelson
1996 Wedge's Gamble Michael A. Stackpole
1997 3001: The Final Odyssey Arthur C. Clarke
1997 Diaspora Greg Egan
1997 Event Horizon Steven E. McDonald
1997 Fear Nothing Dean Koontz
1997 Freeware Rudy Rucker
1997 Planet of Twilight Barbara Hambly
1997 Reckoning Infinity John E. Stith
1997 Saturn Rukh Robert L. Forward
1997 Slippage Harlan Ellison
1997 Specter of the Past Timothy Zahn
1997 Tales from the Empire Peter Schweighofer (Ed.)
1997 The Bacta War Michael A. Stackpole
1997 The Hutt Gambit A. C. Crispin
1997 The Paradise Snare A. C. Crispin
1997 The Siege of Eternity Frederik Pohl
1997 Tyrant's Test Michael P. Kube-McDowell
1997 Wizard and Glass Stephen King
1998 Dark City Frank Lauria
1998 Dinosaur Summer Greg Bear
1998 I, Jedi Michael A. Stackpole
1998 Iron Fist Aaron Allston
1998 Lethal Exposure Kevin J. Anderson
1998 Rebel Dawn A. C. Crispin
1998 Seize the Night Dean Koontz
1998 Slave Ship K. W. Jeter
1998 Spider Legs Piers Anthony
1998 The Mandalorian Armor K. W. Jeter
1998 Vision of the Future Timothy Zahn
1998 Wraith Squadron Aaron Allston
1999 Double Full Moon Light Gentry Lee
1999 Ender's Shadow Orson Scott Card
1999 Finity John Barnes
1999 Hard Merchandise K. W. Jeter
1999 Isard's Revenge Michael A. Stackpole
1999 Solo Command Aaron Allston
1999 Starfighters of Adumar Aaron Allston
1999 Tales from the New Republic Peter Schweighofer (Ed.)
1999 Teranesia Greg Egan
1999 The Far Shore of Time Frederik Pohl
1999 The Icarus Hunt Timothy Zahn
1999 Vector Prime R. A. Salvatore
2000 Agents of Chaos I: Hero's Trial James Luceno
2000 Agents of Chaos II: Jedi Eclipse James Luceno
2000 Balance Point Kathy Tyers
2000 Dark Tide I: Onslaught Michael A. Stackpole
2000 Dark Tide II: Ruin Michael A. Stackpole
2000 Realware Rudy Rucker
2000 The Collapsium Wil McCarthy
2000 The Depths of Time Roger MacBride Allen
2000 The Light of Other Days Arthur C. Clarke
2001 Angelmass Timothy Zahn
2001 Edge of Victory I: Conquest Greg Keyes
2001 Edge of Victory II: Rebirth Greg Keyes
2001 Here Comes Civilization William Tenn
2001 Immodest Proposals William Tenn
2001 Shadow Hunter Michael Reaves
2001 Shadow of the Hegemon Orson Scott Card
2001 Ship of Fools Richard Paul Russo
2001 Star by Star Troy Denning
2002 Dark Journey Elaine Cunningham
2002 Destiny's Way Walter Jon Williams
2002 Enemy Lines I: Rebel Dream Aaron Allston
2002 Enemy Lines II: Rebel Stand Aaron Allston
2002 Manta's Gift Timothy Zahn
2002 Prey Michael Crichton
2002 Schild's Ladder Greg Egan
2002 Shadow Puppets Orson Scott Card
2002 Stories of Your Life and Others Ted Chiang
2002 The Ocean of Years Roger MacBride Allen
2002 Traitor Matthew Stover
2003 Force Heretic I: Remnant Sean Williams
2003 Force Heretic II: Refugee Sean Williams
2003 Force Heretic III: Reunion Sean Williams
2003 Star Dragon Mike Brotherton
2003 Tatooine Ghost Troy Denning
2003 The Cold Equations and Other Stories Tom Godwin
2003 The Final Prophecy Greg Keyes
2003 The Shores of Tomorrow Roger MacBride Allen
2003 The Unifying Force James Luceno
2003 The Wellstone Wil McCarthy
2004 Lies, Inc. Philip K. Dick
2004 Lost in Transmission Wil McCarthy
2004 Survivor's Quest Timothy Zahn
2004 The Green and the Gray Timothy Zahn
2005 Bloodchild and Other Stories, Second Edition Octavia E. Butler
2005 Counting Heads David Marusek
2005 Fledgling Octavia E. Butler
2005 The Joiner King Troy Denning
2005 To Crush the Moon Wil McCarthy
2006 Cell Stephen King
2006 Mathematicians in Love Rudy Rucker
2006 Rainbows End Vernor Vinge
2006 The Draco Tavern Larry Niven
2006 To Be Continued Robert Silverberg
2007 Ghosts of Yesterday Alan Dean Foster
2007 Postsingular Rudy Rucker
2007 To The Dark Star Robert Silverberg
2007 Up from the Bottomless Pit Philip José Farmer
2007 Voices From the Street Philip K. Dick
2008 Dark Integers and Other Stories Greg Egan
2008 Incandescence Greg Egan
2008 Pump Six and Other Stories Paolo Bacigalupi
2008 Something Wild is Loose Robert Silverberg
2009 Crystal Nights and Other Stories Greg Egan
2009 Hylozoic Rudy Rucker
2009 Mind Over Ship David Marusek
2009 The Windup Girl Paolo Bacigalupi
2009 Trips Robert Silverberg
2010 Engineering Infinity Jonathan Strahan (Ed.)
2010 The Lifecycle of Software Objects Ted Chiang
2011 The Children of the Sky Vernor Vinge
2011 The Clockwork Rocket Greg Egan
2012 The Eternal Flame Greg Egan
2012 The Martian Andy Weir
2013 Love Minus Eighty Will McIntosh
2013 The Arrows of Time Greg Egan
2013 The Wandering Earth Cixin Liu