Ashley Winchester Feb 16, 2016 (edited Feb 16, 2016)
For those that don't want to watch the video:
Star Fox received the top spot on this list. I actually love Star Fox and I like the SNES game more than the 64 one, but am I the only one that feels Star Fox should actually be disqualified from being a choice?
Yes, the FX chip is part of the game cartridge, the "software," but in my line of thinking the FX chip is actually a piece of hardware. The Super Nintendo cannot run the game naturally without the help of the chip and most of the other games on the list are running on native hardware, sans extra bells and whistles.
Additionally, if you read up on what was said about the FX chip:
"The Super FX was so much more powerful than the SNES's standard processor that they joked that the SNES was just a box to hold the chip."
I vote no on Star Fox actually pushing the limits of the SNES (in the general sense) because it doesn't do it without "help," but what's your opinion?