Ashley Winchester Mar 29, 2016
I just picked up the remastered soundtracks for Final Fantasy IV, V and VI and, I know this will seem like an insane "no duh" observation, but these albums are just great to put on audio pilot and just listen to in their entity. Well, there are a few tracks I skip over and uncheck (for example Final Fantasy IV's "Run!" is kind of grating) but I like how they feel like complete experiences when I just let them play out.
Also, is it just me, but Final Fantasy V sticks out to me in a good way. I know that most people didn't get to play V right away when it original came out yet V never stuck out to me in an odd way. It always felt like it belonged with the other two games despite the late exposure.
So, yeah, completely inane rant. I'm sure everyone is aware of this. Still, what is your favorite FF store to put on and just play out?