avatar! Mar 29, 2016
Not my sale, but dang...
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Playstation-2-P … 1905499658
So, has "Rule of Rose" become a cult hit or something?
Not my sale, but dang...
http://www.ebay.com/itm/Playstation-2-P … 1905499658
So, has "Rule of Rose" become a cult hit or something?
At MAGfest I saw someone had it up on the first day of vendors for $250 and thought that was overpriced since I last remembered it being a $100+ game, but it sold that first day. Makes me glad that I bought it for like $30 5 years ago. Rule of Rose does have some excellent music from Yutaka Minobe though.
I find this podcast interesting.
A lot of the high prices we see for games are based on perceived rarity.
A lot of the high prices we see for games are based on perceived rarity.
Totally agree. I can think of a few times were game prices were insanely inflated.
I remember when FFVII on the PS1 was going for around $70 before it was available on many eShops. There has to be a zillion copies of that in existence and after the digital versions hit the price went back down.
Also, I don't think the original Mega Man X is worth $35 to $40 because they produced the tar out of the first game.
I find this podcast interesting.
A lot of the high prices we see for games are based on perceived rarity.
I, too, watch Pat & Ian and am further intrigued after that revelation to know what some people have in the doldrums of their collections but don't advertise.
I tried to get RoR back in 2011 when it was around $80 and I was, then, hoping for a better deal. On a lesser price hike, Haunting Ground hit levels kind of like that. I got it when it was $30, now it's known to go for triple that. Very good game, not worth $90, but exclusive PS2 Capcom so...