Dragonfish Dog Apr 17, 2016 (edited Apr 17, 2016)
Anybody know of any alternatives to receiving electronic payments (especially from eBay) besides PayPal?
PayPal's been screwing with me a lot, recently.
For starters, I never even knew I even had a PayPal Credit Account; I'd always paid for everything through my existing credit card, but I just saw this today - I have a balance of $2.99 for my PayPal Credit Account! I never even asked for a PayPal Credit Account! What the hell do I need another credit account for? I already have one through my bank!
I looked at the date for the transaction, and every transaction before it and after it had been charged correctly to my credit card, but this transaction, by its lonesome self, for some reason, had been charged to this PayPal Credit Account I didn't even know I had.