Dragonfish Dog Jun 11, 2016 (edited Jun 13, 2016)
Curious to hear everyone's thoughts on this game.
Gone Home finally went on sale at GoG for $5: https://www.gog.com/game/gone_home
No way was I going to pay full price for it after hearing all the criticisms about the game, much less after watching a few Let's Plays of it on YouTube; then again, I think asking $20 for a downloadable game is kind of cocky anyway, especially one of this length.
Still wanted to play the game myself, though, and be able to explore at will.
But all I can say about the game at this point is "WWWOOOOOOWWW" ...
...the controls are RRREEEAAALLLLLLYYY SSSLLLOOOWWW (imagine someone talking in slow-mo). Not just the walking (and no run button either), but just looking around is really slow, too, and I hiked up the control sensitivity in the options all the way. And no, I don't notice the game lagging at all, either, it's just part of how it was designed. I'm able to play Slender: The Arrival on my machine without it lagging, anyway! (P.S. Slender: The Arrival was a piece of crap; boring, outdated-looking visuals; at least it ran smoothly; also: Run Button).
I don't know how anyone would be able to finish Gone Home in under an hour, if you only move around so slowly.
That said, I'm having quite an amount of fun, taking every moveable object in the house, and tossing it in a pile I'm making in the front hall, at the foot of the stairs! Also, I'm leaving on all the lights and faucets! I can see why this was nominated for "Game of the Year" in 2013! :3