raynebc Oct 26, 2016
I never understood how people could know how to proceed through Zelda 1 unless they already knew what to do. Some of those old games are WAY too light on guidance.
I never understood how people could know how to proceed through Zelda 1 unless they already knew what to do. Some of those old games are WAY too light on guidance.
Agreed, I think the original Zelda was a great concept, but terribly executed.
I'm not someone who needs excessive hand-holding in my games, but I don't like having to figure out incredibly obscure things in order to process either.
Agreed, I think the original Zelda was a great concept, but terribly executed.
I don't know if I'd go that far. I mean if you compare the original Zelda to say, the original Hydlide, which actually came out before it on the MSX2, Zelda was an achievement in what it accomplished. What Hydlide did Zelda simply did much better.
Again, I don't think the original Zelda is bad, I just think time has thrown it's two cents into the equation. Even with time gnawing at its heels from a technical standpoint I don't think you can take anything away from it - like Metroid. I think I can say that with a pretty significant amount of confidence even though I never really connected with it.
However, I'd probably be singing a different tune had I grown up with it. I mean look at how I can turn a blind eye to TR's problems solely based on it being my first 3D platformer.
See, I grew up with the game. I think the beauty of Zelda 1 was always that feeling of "Hmm, this looks slightly odd...I should investigate!" I remember burning the bush and was like "Holy shit! I'm on Level 8!" There were a couple discoveries like that, between the two quests. I think it was just the right size for what it tried to do. But I won't lie...I needed the guide to actually beat the game.
See, I grew up with the game.
I think the beauty of Zelda 1 was always that feeling of "Hmm, this looks slightly odd...I should investigate!" I remember burning the bush and was like "Holy shit! I'm on Level 8!" There were a couple discoveries like that, between the two quests. I think it was just the right size for what it tried to do. But I won't lie...I needed the guide to actually beat the game.
That's the thing. The original Zelda had a sense of exploration which you rarely find in most games. Most games are "go here to starter dungeon... then go here...then here... then here... here we give you a whole TWO choices! can you believe it? TWO. then go here..." whereas Zelda is as Goldfish said "woah! where should I go? let me try..." and I loved it. Honestly, one of the few modern games that made me feel the same is Dark Souls. All that said, and I keep repeating this, the Zelda hacks are SO much better than the original in execution. I've had more fun playing Zelda Outlands (hi-def too than I have many current gen games!
I never understood how people could know how to proceed through Zelda 1 unless they already knew what to do. Some of those old games are WAY too light on guidance.
Couldn't agree more. Who has the time to try burning every bush and bombing every wall?
People that couldn't afford Nintendo Power or calling a game tip hotline, I suppose.
Maybe Nintendo read my rants, or maybe they finally decided to catch-up with, well, basically every single AAA game released in the past 10 years!! Better late than never...
"Breath of the Wild trailer reveals full voice acting"
http://zeldauniverse.net/2017/01/13/bre … ce-acting/
"The inclusion of voice acting brings Breath of the Wild closer to the standard set by the rest of the industry..."
Indeed. Glad to hear it
sounds like a truly epic tale of halitosis
Hah, I didn't even stop to think about the fact that that's a series first.
I'm sure they still won't give Link any actual lines though.
Fantastic trailer, btw.