Hi All. I finished I Am Setsuna about ten minutes ago and wanted to give you all my impressions while it is still fresh in my mind. I'll break down everything into pros and cons with a little ending summary.
1) A well told story….but
2) The Active Time battle system.
3) Some of the graphics are really beautiful…but...
4) Loved the character design and the fact that you could change the character names.
6) The music fit the story…
1) The music works better as a 2 cd set than in game music. I would have prefered more variety of instruments. I'm not saying the game needs an orchestral score, but add in a violin or cello to help fill out the soundscape.
2) The add ons to the battle system where poorly explained and impossible to execute (I never once pulled off a momentum attack).
3) Killing enemies with different attributes (fire, water, etc.) to get different stuff. It works on paper but leaves something to desire in execution.
4) The graphics…I understand that it is a somber story and the graphics represent this but we need more colour and less muted graphics. Also every village with the exception of one felt very similar to each other.
5) Dungeon variety and enemies. The dungeons are linear and enemies variety through the story is lacking until you reach the Last Lands.
6) The story while well told, is very linear and does not reward exploration. They could have expand the story a bit, fleshing out characters and places. A few more side quests would have been nice.
7) No new game plus mode or end game content 
8) Slow downs and graphic problems. I experienced several slowdowns and graphical problems but this may be because I'm emulating windows 8 on my mac so I can run the game.
Despite the flaws I enjoyed my time with I am Setsuna and while it won't be something I would return to again and again like FF 9 or Chrono Trigger, I will play it again eventually. I hope that the studio puts out more old school games, and I hope they get translated into english.