Great comments Xim...
As for Castlevania remake, yeah it's a bit disappointing but we are niche fans with most kickstarter projects.
Of course, if they were Falcom, they would make the same game every few years (soooo many remakes of Ys), but they are a small company that obviously appreciates the artistry aspect of what they create.
This 'hold back the tech', is not exclusive to Nintendo...just look at Apple's recent disappointing product release of their new Macbook pro's (touch bar on a device that is usually closed?? if it's so innovative, where are the stand alone keyboards). But Sony and Microsoft do the same thing.
I did bite the bullet and bought a Ps4pro, I figure this is the best you can get for now along with PSVR. Even though I won't get a 4k Tv anytime soon.
Anyway - I love my retro shit as it reminds me of a simpler time...the way the companies are sludging through the future tech is disappointing.
And if I see an exclusive Castlevania for Xbox Scorpio...I will be pissed!