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Love Rayman Nov 22, 2016 (edited Dec 3, 2016 by Adam Corn)

Hello All,

I wanna talk about  a kickstarter campaign which is running right now,  from Rémi Gazel the composer of Rayman's 1 songs. He wants to give a new life to the musics he composed for the very first Rayman in 1995 with a Jazz/Rock/Electro/Symphonic Albumon CD and vinyl. … rack-album

This is awesome !!!!! What do you think about it ?

Maybe you and your community could be interested in, and could help us to succeed  the campaign, and why not,  share it ! :-)

avatar! Nov 22, 2016

Please include the link.

Amazingu Nov 22, 2016

Sounds great!
I'm a big fan of the original game and the music was a big part of that, so I'd love an arranged album!

So, uh, yeah...a link would be nice smile

Razakin Nov 23, 2016

Yeah, this project felt something even I needed to back, even if Rayman doesn't much matter to me, same happened with the Hero of Time album (Ocarina of Time Orcestral album by Material Collective), anyways, this Rayman project can be find in here.

avatar! Nov 23, 2016

Razakin wrote:

Yeah, this project felt something even I needed to back, even if Rayman doesn't much matter to me, same happened with the Hero of Time album (Ocarina of Time Orcestral album by Material Collective), anyways, this Rayman project can be find in here.

Thanks, looks nice. I plopped down for the collector's CD. What about you? I have to say, right now, I'm doubtful that this will reach it's funding goal sad

Razakin Nov 23, 2016

avatar! wrote:

Thanks, looks nice. I plopped down for the collector's CD. What about you? I have to say, right now, I'm doubtful that this will reach it's funding goal sad

Got the cd too as early bird backer, and I think this might reach the goal, depending how much advertising the kickstarter will start getting near the end, same thing happened with this, happened to get around 20k really fast, then stopped, before the final day media press etc. happened. And according to Kicktraq, with this speed, Rayman is getting 79% funded, so with a slight push, it will be funded, sadly we won't be seeing those second and third goals being funded.

Ashley Winchester Nov 23, 2016 (edited Nov 23, 2016)

Not be be an ass (but I'm sure it's gonna come off that way because it's me and I have reputation [sh**ty as it is] to uphold) but reading the page am I the only one who thinks they're completely overselling certain things? One of the most popular video game characters? One of the most popular OSTs in history?

Look I'm not going to say me never hearing a scrap of Rayman music or playing one of the games doesn't mean this isn't true to a certain degree, but knock off the damn hyperbole.


Please, don't take this as personal attack on Rayman itself, I'm sure many Kickstarters do this; however, this is the first time I even looked at a kickstarter page. If many of them do this I'd honestly be turned off.

Amazingu Nov 23, 2016 (edited Nov 24, 2016)

Maybe some of those statements aren't 100% true, but they should be.

avatar! Nov 24, 2016

Yeah, definitely some hyperbole there smile
But I suppose in the grand scheme of things Rayman is somewhat well known and respected. Granted, it's not Zelda nor Mario, but those are iconic and you can't really compete with them. Still, I do hope this reaches it's goal. However, I am skeptical, so chip in!

avatar! Nov 29, 2016

17 days left. Ain't gonna happen.

Adam Corn Dec 3, 2016

First thing I thought when I saw the thread title was "I'm not gonna fund a Kickstarter for an OST that's been out two decades."

Turns out it's an arranged album.

And there's a forum feature that prevents first-time posters from posting links (to discourage spam) so that explains that part.

Made a quick edit to the title post to address both issues smile I've never played the game but if the soundtrack's as good as some of you say I hope it gets funded!

avatar! Dec 4, 2016


12 days left hmm

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