Soundtrack Central The best classic game music and more

    Pages: 1

Jodo Kast Dec 11, 2016

This book is incredible - … 0262028778

I'm only 100 pages in and I've learned a lot about the Famicom/NES. This is written like many other University level publications - expect to consult the appendix and footnotes regularly, as well as keep a large dictionary close at hand.

avatar! Dec 11, 2016

MIT is an amazing place, with amazing students.
That book is actually meant for the nerdish layman, rather than at an academic audience. All that said, I personally am just amazed that people today, regular run-of-the-mill geeks, can produce NES games! In fact, this was just released … p_783.html
over 30 years old and still new games pop-up!

    Pages: 1

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