Angela Jan 29, 2006
Gamespot's most recent TenSpot features a genre of gaming that I hold of particular interest: music-rhythm! Naturally, I've got my own ideas as to how my personal listing should go, but all in all, they've compiled a pretty solid listing:
Gamespot's TenSpot Top 10 Rhythm Games
PaRappa the Rapper (PS)
Samba de Amigo (Dreamcast)
Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan (Nintendo DS)
Gitaroo-Man (PS2)
vib-ribbon (PS)
Guitar Freaks (PS)
Bust-A-Groove (PS)
Frequency (PS2)
Guitar Hero (PS2)
Dance Dance Revolution: 3rd Mix (PS)
The inclusion of Ouendan, Gitaroo-Man, Guitar Freaks, and Guitar Hero gets instant approval from me, although it's surprising not to see any Beatmania or Pop 'n Music in there. DDR 3rd Mix was a wonderful choice, but MAX2 might have made a close second in the series consolidation. Bust-A-Groove 2 slightly edges out its predecessor in my book, if just because the scoring system got its act together. Also, PaRappa, but no Umjammer? Sacrilege!
So, how about it? You're given the chance to vote on Gamespot itself too, so what music-rhythm games would make your personal top ten list?