Ashley Winchester Jan 6, 2017
I was thinking about games at work tonight and it got me thinking... what game do you HATE that, when looked at objectively, that you shouldn't.
For me the answer is very clear: Wild Arms 3.
In all honesty I don't know why Wild Arms 3 left the black mark it did. I remember playing it and being bored to tears, but there was a part of me that couldn't admit that FOR YEARS AFTERWARD. I absolutely loved WA1 and WA2 but when I got WA3 I think i (subconsciously) realized the series really wasn't going anywhere. I thought the combat in WA3 was monotonous, but it was pretty much the same in the last two games although WA3's encounter rate was rather absurd IMO which DIDN'T help.
I think the final blow was the story. Outside the sniper Clive, I didn't give a DAMN about the game's characters. And the villains? The less said the better. There was one scene where a villain became interesting, but it was over in manner of seconds. The game's ending didn't help either.
Still, I really do lament not enjoying Wild Arms 3 because it CONSTANTLY hampers my enjoyment of the OST. Many people say that WA3 is one of Naruke's most consistent efforts (and most western sounding) and yeah, I agree. However, when I listen to any of the story driven pieces I cannot forge any connections with these pieces because I've blocked so much of the game from my memory - and it's not like I sat around and intentionally did that. I know that WA2 (game & OST) is very problematic but it simply gets more love from me because I actually like the damn game.
All the above said, Wild Arms 3 isn't a bad game, it's just a disappointing game and I think that coupled with the fact it was the first PS2 RPG I played (first title played on new hardware) clearly amplified my lack of enjoyment. I'm just glad I can be honest about it these days, no more of this "well it is, a well crafted game" crap justifications in order to shirk away from my feelings.
What game(s) fit into this category for you?